Element 4U Electronics Supplier
You can buy online from the Element 4U Electronic supplier. Click on the photo to access the website and you will see there are lots of electronics related categories. Likes(2)Dislikes(1)
- Posted May 30, 2012
Don’t Be Lazy- About Checking Resistors On Board
When checking any resistor the best is to check them off board. Why? because to avoid parallel circuit that could produce wrong reading in the meter. Here is a reply that I've got from an ERG member...
- Posted May 27, 2012
Completed Another Advanced Electronics Repair Course
I have completed the 3 days Advanced Electronics Repair course for 9 partipants today. 7 of them were from the local and the other two were from the Royal Oman Police (ROP). Another two of the ROPs...
- Posted May 24, 2012
Electronics Repair FAQ Part 30
Please click HERE to read electronics repair FAQ part 30. Likes(0)Dislikes(0)
- Posted May 21, 2012
8 Participants Attended The Basic Electronics Course
There were 8 participants that have attended the 3 days basic electronics course. The course ended today about 7 hours ago. In this course there were 4 participants from Royal Oman Police (ROP). They work in the...
- Posted May 19, 2012
How To Make A DIY PWM Tester
Sometimes you come across to repair power supplies, monitor, TV or some other devices containing SMPS. Many power supplies have a PWM IC. Most of them are UC384X. Testing of an IC with multimeter is a difficult...
- Posted May 17, 2012
Oscilloscopes Buyers Guide
I found an interesting article about oscilloscopes buyers guide and I have boomarked it. If you would like to know more info about oscilloscope like what type of scope to buy (Analog Or Digital), bandwidth, sample rates,...
- Posted May 16, 2012