A Surprise Visit By A Customer
This afternoon there was a guy came to my office and asked whether do i sell books or not. I told him yes i did sell books but all are ebooks. I asked him, what kind of books you are looking for? His replied was testing components book. I asked again, how do you know about this book. He said from the internet and he told me that he had search for a long time in the internet for this kind of repair book and eventually found my book. He came all the way from Semenyih (about an hour drive) just to buy my book.
He told me that he is attending a Mobile phone repairing course and have a shop selling games and behind his shop he had a technical department cater to do some basic repair work. He told me many of his clients sent him TV, VCD and other electronic equipment for him to repair. Since his electronic repair knowledge was not deep enough he contract out the job for a freelance electronic repairer. The problem with the freelance electronic repairer was that he only comes to pick up the spoilt items every 2 to 3 weeks which he found that was very long and afraid customers could not wait that long.
So he decided to buy my Testing Electronic Components Ebook to try out first. I even show him some of the test equipment on my repair bench like the Blue ESR and Blue Ring Tester and Digital Capacitance meter. Here are some points that made me to respect him
1) He shows that he had passion (come all the way from a far place)
2) His age is 57 and
3) Continue to learn (studying the Mobile Phone Repairing course-6 months course, getting my ebook)
4) Sincere, polite and friendly as though that i have known him for many years. For your information i have came across lots of Scammers and i have no respect for them and also to those who takes thing for granted too. Scammers tends to only steal things from you-that’s their profession. I wander how are they going to excel in this repair field with the mentality they had.
5) and Planning to invest in the equipment (Buying Blue ESR and Blue Ring Tester)-he have a focus and wish to become a good electronic repairer.
Well if your age is younger than him and want to give up in your life, work and etc then i suggest to you to reconsider again. Lets learn from this man and this man truly inspired me to go even further with the capabilities that i had whether in my career, friendship with others and etc-Never give up and continue to learn to excel!

Bill Pilgrim
February 7, 2009 at 5:34 pm
I hav ejust finished reading the page about the chap, aged 57, who visited you. I shall probably never put much of you learning into practice, but at 74 years of age, I must continue to learn and just pperhaps I will be able to apply some of the learning material to my life.
Mr.Aung Zaw Myint(a)Zaw Gyi
February 9, 2009 at 12:45 pm
>Thanks for good example and teaching in my life.Now,I am 48 years old,sometimes I think myself too old to learn,but he think to learn until die.It make me to change my thought like him.Thanks for teaching with good example.I will follow him.
February 9, 2009 at 10:34 pm
Hi Mr Aung,
Never give up is the key to your success.
February 10, 2009 at 8:26 pm
Hi Bill,
Yes continue to learn and never give up.