About Decayed Glue
I have a member who sent me photos of plasma TV power supply and the complaint was power problem. The first thing i saw from the photo was there were lots of decayed glue all over the secondary side of the power supply. The decayed glue covered over a wide areas and touches on electrolytic capacitors, resistors, transistors and etc. This decayed glue can conduct electricity when it had turned hard and cause lots of problems in electronic circuit. It could cause solid and intermittent problem. There was one time a Likom 15″ CRT Monitor came in with high voltage shutdown. Tracing from the gate pin of the B+ fet to the h/v oscillator IC led to a resistor that had turned into high ohm. The resistor was covered by DECAYED GLUE!
Scrapping off the decayed glue and replacement with a new resistor solved the high voltage shutdown problem. Similarly in the above case, i told my member to clean the board and retest the set again.

September 16, 2008 at 9:56 pm
Yes Mr Jestine
In a kind of 15" CRT monitors model(MW5S or MW5SK ) they use the glue on G2 connector;the result is no brightness .Only Removing this glue solve the problem.
September 17, 2008 at 8:14 pm
Hi Layachi,
You are right, i have removed quite a number of them from the CRT board too. The decayed glue caused decrease in G2 voltage and the symptom was no display!