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Amusing Self-Service Of OSRAM LED Bulb Model R18NBB

By on September 16, 2023







One day, when I was doing some work in my kitchen very early in the morning, the LED Bulb conked off. As I had another, I carried on, deciding to have a look at it later. It is always amusing when we get a chance to look into something which we seldom get. I used a ladder, climbed up and removed the bulb and cleaned it thoroughly, as it had collected oily dirt.

Then I opened the dome prying it on all sides, repeatedly spraying IPA to release the glue. Then de-soldered the round shaped LED strip. The LEDs were checked using my LED checker and found to be ok.


Again pried open the round metal housing from its base, to remove the LED driver unit. Then de-soldered the AC in wires from the top of the bulb. The capacitors were found burst, but luckily the dislodged plastic cover of the caps were lying inside, from which I could make out the values. I used a 100/160V cap, the size of which was longer. But I managed to keep it straight so that it would fit inside the top of the bulb, where AC goes in. Here, you can have a look at:




Inserted the board back and soldered the AC inlets from the top, which make contact with the socket when we insert the bulb. Then placed the metal housing like how it was, and soldered the LED strip back and closed the light dispenser dome on top.

It gets locked when we turn it in. I never bothered to apply any glue. I fit this in my table lamp and was glad to see the bulb glowing like how it was.

how to repair a broken led light

Then did another climbing to put it back in the kitchen. You can see it glowing which might bring a glow of happiness in at-least a few readers!

Mission accomplished with satisfaction getting added, along with applause from my wife for my quick action! (Well, ladies give us such pleasant surprises sometimes!) (LOL)

how to repair a broken Osram led bulb


This article was prepared for you by Parasuraman Subramanian from India. He is 72 years old and has more than 30 years’ experience in handling antique equipment like Valve Radio, Amps, Reel Tape Recorders and currently studying latest tech-classes conducted by Kerala State Electronics Technicians’ Association. He has done graduation in BBA degree, private diploma in Radio Engineering and retired as MD of a USA company. Presently working as Consultant to Hospital and other institutions.

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You may check on his previous article on Defect In 1117-3.3V IC Drove HAIER LED TV Model LE22B600 To Intermittent Standby




  1. Albert van Bemmelen

    September 16, 2023 at 5:20 pm

    It is always surprising to see another fixed led bulb article. Since most of these defect bulbs seem unfixable. Especially when defect leds need replacements which is almost impossible because of the high temp solder method that is needed. I once accidentally put a 12V DC led light bulb into a 230VAC socket until noticing it was not qualified for 230V at all. Luckily that Philips led light bulb still was fine afterwards!

    • Parasuraman S

      September 16, 2023 at 10:59 pm

      Ha! Ha! That is a surprise! Many thanks for your inputs and comments!

    • Anwar Yunas Shiekh

      September 17, 2023 at 3:22 am

      how did it even fit?

      • Parasuraman S

        September 17, 2023 at 8:05 am

        Yes, a surprise!

  2. Waleed Rishmawi

    September 16, 2023 at 5:24 pm

    Osram is a very good brand and worth fixing. It is an expensive to buy and glad it was a simple fix. Have a blessed day

    • Parasuraman S

      September 16, 2023 at 10:59 pm

      Many thanks!

  3. Yogesh Panchal

    September 16, 2023 at 5:49 pm

    Good Fix!Sir

    • Parasuraman S

      September 17, 2023 at 8:03 am

      Many thanks!

  4. Anwar Yunas Shiekh

    September 16, 2023 at 10:35 pm

    Somehow I expected a capacitor of more than 240V rating

    • Parasuraman S

      September 17, 2023 at 8:04 am

      The output voltage is less.

  5. Parasuraman S

    September 16, 2023 at 11:00 pm


  6. Imoudu.O

    September 17, 2023 at 2:40 am

    If the lamp uses ac voltage inlet, then I expect board to have rectifier and tank cap, is the 100uf/160V the tank cap? Oram lamps ate known to be quality products, unfortunately we can't get it in my country anymore.Thanks for sharing sir.

  7. Parasuraman S

    September 17, 2023 at 6:42 pm

    As you can see from the picture, it has a rectifier bridge. Voltage is slightly dropped through a resistor. Rest the IC handles itself to generate voltage enough to drive the LED. Normally 100uF/100V is what is seen as used. But I did not have 100V and so I used 160V Csap. Hope this clarifies! Many thanks!

  8. Henrique J. G. Ulbrich

    September 18, 2023 at 11:26 pm

    Very good, Parasuraman. I had sometimes opportunity to fix these types of lamps. In fact, it is not complicated, except the limited space to work, mainly due to the short wires connecting the socket to the driver. It is necessary to loosen the socket (i.e., dismantle the whole lamp). When mounting again, it is advisable to replace the short wires with longer ones. Besides facilitating the remount job, it eases another eventual maintenance.

    Another care could be to clean the existing old dissipating paste and replace it, but this is impossible to the majority of products, as the shaped LED strip is a closed unit (analog observation from Albert when he tells about difficulties in replacing the LEDs). No access. Sure, the quantity of dissipating paste is not enough due to the "programmed obsolescence" imposed by the manufacturer.

    • Parasuraman S

      September 19, 2023 at 2:45 pm

      Many thanks for sharing your experience and expertise. It is valuable.


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