Beware Of Decayed Glue Under IC!
There was a case of no power in LCD Monitor. All of the suspected components tested good (in the primary and secondary side) except power IC that we can’t test it with ohmmeter. Nowadays manufacturers put one kind of glue/could be epoxy underneath IC”s for against vibration and may be to prevent technicians to remove the IC. Those days, there were few IC’s that i had accidentally broke it. But now you can use a Thinner solution to soften the material and then only you gently remove the IC’s.
Okay back to my case, while removing the SMD power IC which is located at the back of the board and as usual i observed that there were glue underneath it. After removal of the IC i could see that the internal track was actually eaten up by the glue! Joining back the track with an additional wire solved the no power problem in LCD Monitor. If this kind of problem can happen to LCD Monitor, i believe it can be happen to other electronic equipment too. So beware of this problem!
By the way i received two testimonials that i wish to share with you all concerning my ebooks:
Your book was VERY informative, I have a good background in electrics as I
am a qualified electrician although I never followed this as my fulltime
career path (I’m a firefighter), and have self taught myself to repair many
things through using information on the web,
I also sell lcd TVs on EBAY as a second income and used to pay someone to
repair faulty TV but your book helped me to understand why I couldn’t find
some faults, as I was using my digital meter to try and find faults in Lcd
TV inverters. I have used my digital inductance meter and found 2 faulty
inverter transformers on both the boards I have tested!!
I have confirmed that these were the faulty parts by using the parts from
the 2 boards to get 1 inverter working, but I was hoping that after reading
the LCD MONITOR eBook that I have just bought that I will be able to get
replacement transformers and get the other board working
But overall I’m really impressed with your book as I have tried course before
and been on them for months and not learn what I have learnt from your book
in 1 Hour!
Rupert Christie
United Kingdom
Hi Jestine,
I recently bought your book. I am very happy with it!