Electronic Blood Pressure Tester Repaired

My older niece came to me because she is pregnant, her blood pressure is rather high ultimately and her Electronic Blood Pressure Tester was fully dead. She was sincere with me and confessed two batteries exploded and she opened up the device, but she is green when it comes to electronics.
The device is brand CVS, model 271243 (3BW1-H) China made.
First thing done was to open up the device, a piece of cake: only two screws and some plastic clips.
The first trouble seen was a black wire dis-connected (supply of the little motor) shown in the image below. Of course it was not the main cause of death of this Blood Pressure Tester.
The cable was re-soldered, and of course the device remained dead. The PCB was extracted and there were some lines darker than normal, due to acid of the exploded batteries. The lines were re-built with a thin wire of copper, as shown in the images below:
When the device was put into functioning, it remained dead, but there was an interesting fact: the four batteries supplied 6 volt (1.5 volt * 4), and know what? A lower voltage was supplying the circuit; therefore I decided to change both cables from the batteries to the PCB (sorry, I forgot to take a picture). Two pieces of cables in good conditions were re-soldered but the device with o life signs yet.
The other step was to check up the ON/OFF START micro-switch and it was in bad conditions. Another one was adapted and look at the result in the photos below:
Wow! The device came back to life, I was very happy because my niece could check her blood pressure at any time with her device. The image below shows the parts in bad conditions.
Another device saved from the dump.
This article was prepared for you by Humberto Rodriguez, one of our ‘Master Authors’ from Cuba.
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Note: You may check his previous repair article in the below link:

February 6, 2017 at 10:09 am
Hey Humberto,
Well done. I haven't seen one of these repaired here yet, so it was good to see something different.
Battery electrolyte and corrosion do horrible things to wires, components and tracks. Any sort of voltage drop will create havoc on an appliance.
Good job on repairing and strengthening the unit!
February 8, 2017 at 12:17 am
Thanks Mark, I really confess I had not repaired a similar one never before.
Gerald Musy
February 6, 2017 at 10:51 am
Good job Humberto. As Mark commented this is an unusual device that we don't hear much about in this forum. Nice to see something new.
Thanks for sharing.
February 7, 2017 at 10:37 pm
Thanks Gerald
Albert van Bemmelen
February 6, 2017 at 12:38 pm
Thank you for this repair Humberto, after a long time haven't seen from you!
Have you got any Idea on how and why the Batteries had exploded? (and what Batteries from what Manufacturer were used?).
I have opened one such Blood Pressure Tester myself before but it was beyond repair (If I remember it well it had something to do with the plastic pumping bag and the motor attached to it that were bad).
February 8, 2017 at 12:12 am
Hi Albert. This equipment was a gift that a friend of her gave to my older niece because she is pregnant. It was not new, so she bought the batteries and when they were exhausted my niece did not take them out on time and then two of them exploted. That's why the device began with the malfunction
Yogesh Panchal
February 6, 2017 at 2:23 pm
Good job!
February 8, 2017 at 12:13 am
Thanks Yogesh
G A Vishesh
February 6, 2017 at 3:25 pm
Good Job Sir.
nicely recited, it took us till the end.
February 8, 2017 at 12:15 am
Thanks G A You are welcome
Robert Calk
February 6, 2017 at 10:12 pm
Thanks Humberto. I'm glad you got it fixed.
February 8, 2017 at 12:14 am
Thanks Robert, and this device was really necessary for my niece.
Parasuraman S
February 8, 2017 at 1:32 pm
Good Job! I have repaired a few BP Monitors and Nebulizers, with more or less same complaints like corroded wires, battery leakings, switch contact problems etc. which are very common on these types of devices. Nice repair and thanks for sharing!
zaheedi farjan
February 11, 2017 at 12:36 am
Hats off humberto nice the way u wrote it make it become passion to read more great job.