Had A Funny Dream!
This morning i woke up and only realized that i had a funny and a wonderful dream. The dream was about i met another professional electronic repairer from a repair center. He was so kind in sharing his repair secrets and he was a lecturer too in teaching electronic repair! Later he brought me to an old electronic supplier and showed me all the technical books and manuals in the book rack. The manuals was nicely wrapped up and I quickly went to picked up some of the manual to have a look at the title. The first manual title was about troubleshooting VCR’s and it has lots of schematic diagrams in it. It was quite weird as nowadays repairing VCR’s is considering as obsolete already. Next manual was about fixing satellite equipment! I was eagerly and exited to look for more manuals but ……… Ya got to wake up and go to work!

Stephanie Kok
May 12, 2008 at 1:19 pm
Dream to be continued...
May 12, 2008 at 8:23 pm
Got to continue my dream today but i guess it gonna be other topics!