Lenovo Laptop With Disk Read Error Fixed

Received Lenovo laptop for repair. On powering on laptop gives error of reading.
Straight way it indicates problem related to the HDD either it is loose contact or HDD it self damaged.
So removed Back Cover to reach the HDD Location.
Note: First of all, Remove the Battery while Opening & troubleshooting inside the laptop or some another problem will arise. Every Laptops having different mode of opening process so the same process is not applied to another different Model/Brand of same manufacturer or another Manufacturer.
I powered the laptop and touched the HDD to feel the motor vibration while spinning. Motor Vibration is ok but still the error is same. So removed the HDD from the laptop attached the HDD to external USB SATA casing and connected to my setup desktop machine. It detects HDD but not showing anything and repeatedly giving popups of “format the HDD”. Discussed the situation with customer, he is in hurry for fixing the laptop because he has some project to complete.
I advised him to go for new HDD & he accept the estimated repair cost. I arranged new SSD SATA instead of regular HDD.
Replaced the HDD & Installed all Licensed software’s provided by the customer.
Reset the laptop back cover after replacing the HDD turned ON the laptop.
Laptop Back to the good working Condition with excellent speed of SSD Drive.
This article was prepared for you by Yogesh Panchal who works as a Computer Hardware Engineer in Mumbai India.
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Note: You can check his previous repair articles on Laptop Touchpad Repaired

Ron Van vliet
December 31, 2022 at 10:02 am
Have you tried the free programme called Recova?
I had a problem with a hard drive with similar problem. I took it out of the computer put in a case. I then connected it to my other computer and ran the programme, it takes quite a time depending on drive size. I was amazed how much I could recover and save to a new ssd drive, considering it was free.
Hope this may help.
Yogesh Panchal
January 8, 2023 at 11:10 pm
Ron Van vliet,
Recuva is for data recovery not for Hard disk repair.
Parasuraman S
December 31, 2022 at 10:15 am
Good job! One doubt: When a new HDD is fixed, will there not be a licence issue problem?
Yogesh Panchal
January 8, 2023 at 11:17 pm
In new laptops preloaded Operating software License key is embedded in the BIOS on the Motherboard you just install the right version of the software with proper drivers. once you are on-line your license will get activate automatically.this apply only on Operating Software not on Applications like Word /Excel...Etc....
Albert van Bemmelen
December 31, 2022 at 8:49 pm
I guess the customer had no files he still desperately needed on his old defective hdd? But in such difficult cases I use my Startech USBdup12 copier/tester device. https://www.startech.com/en-eu/hdd/usbdup12
That device often recognizes old files and is able to recover and also reformat USB memory sticks and harddives, as I also wrote about in the past. It was not cheap but often helped when needed!
Yogesh Panchal
January 8, 2023 at 11:19 pm
I Confirmed with the customer about the DATA.He is very punctual about the data & he is having everyday workout backup with him on his external drive.