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Mail Server Down

By on December 16, 2008


Last week i have finished conducted a repair course and this week from Monday till Wednesday i have another repair course “On” and this have really delayed me in replying your emails. Normally during the course i don’t check email and will only check my email in the night time. However, just now i got a shock that i could not access my mailbox, i presumed it to have many emails there. I quickly called up the web hosting company and was told that the mail server was down and they are still checking it at the data center. Since only the mail server down , you still can access the website. Above is the screenshot of error accessing the electronicrepairguide mail server.

I have another day for the repair course which is tomorrow and hopefully once i’m back, i could log in to my mailbox again. If you have sent any emails to me, hope i could reply you back as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused!


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