No Signal In Konka LED TV Repaired
The complaint by customer of this Konka LED TV was no signal message appeared in the screen even though the antenna cable was connected. No signal problem in TV can be caused by loosen RF cable, broken or dry joints in the input antenna RF jack and bad components in the mainboard that corresponds to the RF input jack. Obviously the first thing I did was to check if the RF input jack was intact or not before checking on the internal components.
I saw that the RF input jack was slightly bent and this could be the reason why there was no TV Signal (no signal)-see the photo below:
Once the TV cover was removed I headed straight to the power/mainboard (below photo) and wiggled the RF input jack. True enough the RF input jack was loosen. For your information this LED TV you no longer can see the TV tuner (not like the CRT TV type).
Once I flipped the board I saw very obvious dry joints at the legs of the RF input jack (see the photo below).
The dry joints mainly were caused by pulling out and inserting back the RF antenna cable many times throughout the years.
Fresh solder were applied to the joints and once I fixed back everything including plugging in the RF antenna cable, picture came back normal again. See the photos below:
Conclusion- In this article, it was a simple repair case. I want you to know that when we are in the repairing services, not all devices that came in for repair must have serious problems. Once in a while there will be simple repair just like the one in this article. Some other simple repairs beside dry joints are loosen connectors, broken wires, replaced bulged capacitors only, torn circuit track, only bad fuse and no other shorted components and etc. If you are new in this electronics repair field, I can recommend Jestine’s ebook in Basic Electronics Troubleshooting and Repair. You need to master the Basic first before you start to do repair on a more complicated and complex circuit boards. Ok, hope to see you again in the next repair article.
This article was prepared for you by Suranga Bandara who owns an Electronics repair shop in Anuradapura, Sri Lanka.
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Note: You may check out his previous post about Problem In LED TV Backlight Repair
Albert van Bemmelen
July 9, 2021 at 1:18 pm
Good job but of course you meant RF-input jack instead of 'output' jack. It would be a bad thing if our TV also would output RF instead only receiving it.
July 9, 2021 at 1:40 pm
Parasuraman S
July 9, 2021 at 11:46 pm
Good professional fix there, Suranga!
Yogesh Panchal
July 13, 2021 at 5:46 pm
Good Job:Suranga
July 13, 2021 at 9:48 pm
Another set saved from the dump