Wahl Foot Massager Repair

My friend bought this foot massager at a garage sale/yard sale. Model # is as in picture.
The power socket will take a figure 8 mains plug which is a design fault in my book. My friend plugged it into 240 mains and it went bang.
It actually runs on 24v so he ordered 24v supply from e-bay. He gave it to me pulled apart (something techies shiver at)
so I got down to the business of checking components. The WFP70n06 (Mosfets) were both dead and one of the diodes under them was blown apart as seen in the next picture.
So I went to see if I could get these mosfets from my supplier and he informed me he had nothing at 60v 70A. I did email a service agent here in Australia and he informed me he doesn’t carry those parts.
Wahl is mainly known for hair clippers etc so he only had parts for those, I then emailed Wahl Australia and got no reply. So I got on the internet and got some data sheets to compare.
I found one that compared favourly.
I ordered 2 from Digikey and they only took a week to get here from the USA. I also swaped the FR107’s for 1N4007.
I forgot to take a photo of the new components on the board, but it was successful and worked as new.
This article was contributed by Lee Davey from Hobart Tasmania Australia. He has been doing repairs on electronics and PC’s for around 30 years.
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Note: You can read his previous article on Repair Of An Auto Transformer Chinese Variac

May 13, 2023 at 9:18 am
Well done mate. Just like you, I struggle to find components that suit, especially in Australia.
May 13, 2023 at 7:31 pm
Thanks Mark.
Parasuraman S
May 13, 2023 at 10:44 am
Well done! That was a very good repair of a device that looked like a written off case! Your patience and perseverance paid!
May 13, 2023 at 7:32 pm
Parasuraman S
Waleed Rishmawi
May 13, 2023 at 1:16 pm
good job on the repair and not giving up. Yes, I go through that struggle to find the right parts for the repair and at the end I end up making my own replacement based on the tech sheet provided on the net.
about the plug I totally agree with you. I recently bought a dental floss machine and it has the same kind of plug ( bought in USA and it works on 12 volts. i had to cut off the plug from the original power supply attach it to a one that bought from a local store here and now it is working on 220 stepping down to 12 volts. eaiser that way..have a blessed day and thanks for sharing
May 13, 2023 at 7:34 pm
Thanks Waleed.
May 13, 2023 at 1:43 pm
Yes Mark My usual supplier is Western electronic services in Sydney.
Albert van Bemmelen
May 13, 2023 at 3:57 pm
Getting the right parts is now more difficult than ever before, since Covid ended manufacturing many electronic parts, mostly semiconductors! Not mentioning the price increase and the extended arrival time that now can be well over a year until products are made and shipped again. For instance a simple 25AA256-I_SN I2C 32KB soic-8 Eeprom now has a delivery time of over a year now. And I hope it will arrive from a Chinese seller on eBay after being ordered on 4 March this year. And only Mouser was able to provide a special PIC32MZ2048EFH64-250I/PT 32-bit microcontroller.
Since no other seller had those parts in stock world-wide!
Yogesh Panchal
May 17, 2023 at 11:07 pm
Good Job! Lee.