Completed The Basic Electronic Course
I found that my house internet line was good after reaching home otherwise i would have to postpone it again of writing blog post. I guess it could be the port problem and not my modem problem. Okay, just completed the 3 days Basic electronic course for 6 participants. Two from Pahang University, two from New Straight Times Press (NSTP), One from Perodua (National car maker company) and one from Hospital University Malaya. As usual after every repair course i could see smiling faces of participants because the knowledge that they had gained could use it to perform better when they are back in their company. I told them they could email or call me after the course just in case if they have any question in solving electronics problem. Here are the photos taken during the 3 days repair course:
August 19, 2009 at 11:21 pm
Do you require your students to bring their own multimeters? I think it makes good sense to bring the meters that one uses at work.
What about bigger equipment (e.g. oscilloscope) or specialized instruments (LCR meter, etc)?
August 20, 2009 at 7:24 pm
Hi Arjunaidi,
No, i provide all the meters to students. However if they have their own meter i would encourage them to use it. I will provide the scope too but not LCR meter but i do provide them the digital capacitance meter.