About Cheap MultiMeters
When comes to buying cheap things from the market, once have to know that the quality of the products may not last long. A branded and a non branded multimeter have lots of differences in terms of quality. Of course the quality one is much more expensive than the cheap one and have more wider range in testing lots of electronic components. Some good quality brands of multimeter are like FLUKE, GREENLEE, SANWA, KYORITSU and etc. If you thinking of getting a multimeter i suggest that you get a good brand or a multimeter which is not too cheap.
The reason i say that is because i myself have bought few cheap meters before. Guess what? Some lasted only for about two weeks and some only lasted for few months. The internal selector came off and there is no way you can put it back. The selector is a movable part and we continuously use it to select the range so that we can test on different components and they should have design it to last longer. This bad experience happened many years ago and i have told myself that if i want to get any meter from the market in the future, make sure it is a branded one or that have a mid range price and not too cheap.
I don’t want you to follow my foot step and regret later when the cheap meters do not function as what you have expected it to be. Invest a little more in those quality meters and you will have a peace of mind in using that meter in many years to come.

September 25, 2008 at 10:10 pm
Hi Jestine,
Talking about multimeter, most of the better one are labelled as true rms meter. What is the significant benefit of having this kind of meter?
September 26, 2008 at 9:28 pm
Hi Bailing,
Here is a good link to explain about the True RMS at: