Don’t Put All Eggs In One Basket
If you are good in fixing one or two electronics equipment i suggest that you expand it to take in more electronics item. The reason for it is because the sky is not always bright and sometimes it can be gloomy. If you depends on one type of business/one or two equipment and if the business for that equipment is not that good then it can affect your income, You need to pay bills, salary, rental and etc. This will be a burden to you. I suggest that no matter what you good at, please try to find some other sources of income so that when bad times really come at least you or your company could withstand it. Other sources of income not necessary have to be in the same repair line, you could ask some of your friends to see if there is any side/part time business to do, sell things from ebay, set up your own website to sell whatever thing that you think that there is a market for it, write an ebook about any subject that you good at and sell to the world, look for maintenance contract to secure your income, attend money making seminars and apply the methods and etc. Hope this advice could give you some ideas on what you should do if you or your company experiencing slow business.

August 25, 2011 at 12:27 pm
viva jestine i agree with you
Humphrey Kimathi
August 26, 2011 at 2:11 am
You are very Right Mr. Yong, About ten years ago I realized the important of having a plan B, Although I had a stable Job here in Kenya(plan A) I decided do something extra and that when I started doing electronics repairs in the evenings and weekends and through this I get some extra income beside the paycheck. I believe every human being is born with a talent, identify your talent and exploit it to the maximum and you will see money following you. Regards Humphrey
August 26, 2011 at 2:31 am
HI Humphrey,
You have made the right decision. I agree with you that every human being is born with a talent and see how one could convert the talent into cash.
August 26, 2011 at 3:11 am
Sir you are really a great mentor. Knowledge and health is our power and wealth. I think we should also learned how to save some money for out medical care and learned to share our blessing to others who are less fortunate they said its better to give than to received. Strike will the iron is hot.
August 26, 2011 at 8:59 am
HI Reynolds,
Yes you are right.
Amir Mukhtar
August 26, 2011 at 2:13 pm
Sir Jestine,
The above quotation " Don’t Put All Eggs In One Basket " is almost common in every culture but no body can conveyed like you in easy understandable words.
Sir, you are the bible of guidance and advises. I mean it and its very true to my believe and faith.
Actually, limited type of products will not earn success in business so therefore, your advise really makes the difference in business strategies and earnings.
thanks you
Amir Mukhtar
August 26, 2011 at 9:31 pm
HI Amir,
Thanks. Better to prepare early than to regret later. Always set our mindset to look for more opportunity.