HP Laptop Repaired-Nvidia Chip Problem

One of my customers phoned me very desperate because her HP Pavilion dv9000 was having troubles with the signal of video-out (Display).
When I got to her home this is what I saw.
The complaint was display problem with vertical stripes and when Windows attempted to load, you could see the logo in dark color, and later the display remained in black all the time.
The laptop was checked by connecting to an external VGA monitor and the result was still the same. This suggest that the Graphic Chip have problem.
Note: the inverter board was working fine because you can see the display.
The Laptop has to be disassembled and take a loot at the photos below.
A preventive maintenance had to be done, it was necessary in this case.
Once it was done the other procedure was to make a reflow to the NVidia Graphics chip. I really confess this was my first time in doing a reflow; I used my new Hot Air Gun brand STEREN, which has the following features:
Note: I recommend Steren Hot Air Gun
I then started the reflow onto the NVidia Graphics chip.
When the laptop was turned on again look what was seen on Display.
Wow! Terrific! The video-out is great, everything is normal again. She (the owner), her husband and daughter were really happy when they saw the laptop that came back to life. And guess what? She asked me to repair another Laptop.
Moral of a fable: if you are honest and do a good repair, the customer will stay with you forever.
This article was prepared for you by Humberto Rodriguez, one of our ‘Master Authors’ from Cuba.
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