Laptop power adapter brought back to life. Model: Dell LA90PS0-00

My sister in law brought me this laptop power adapter and explained to me that it does not charge at all. When I powered up the charger, I could hear some ticking coming from inside. Usually when I hear ticking I think of loose connection or bad capacitors. At least this is what I thought but when I opened it, it was a different story. Let us find out.
You can see all the details on the back of this laptop power adapter.
Dell laptop power adapters are very good and in my country, they are very expensive.
As you can see, the stand by light was not on.
Usually I have a hard time opening this kind of chargers but I found a quick way to do it. Just get a flat screw driver and force it open from the power AC power supply side.
The moment I put the screw driver in and forced it opened, I could hear a pop sound and in less than one minute I was able to open it. That was a good start, let us continue
The moment I opened the charger I saw this. The metal ground was soldered to the ground on the board. I had to de solder that pin so I can take the metal side out. As you can see in the photo, the three wires connectors. They are ground, power and ID connectors.
I took the metal and the isolation cover off. I decided to power up the charger again and start doing power testing. This time, I did not hear any ticking noise. My thoughts were shifted to something else. I decided to desolder the three cable connection.
Sometimes the cable itself gets shorted and that causes the power adapter to get shorted as well. There was 300 AC volts reaching the main capacitors and it was discharging fine. The moment I de soldered the cable, the light came back on. I replaced the shorted cable with a new one. I put everything back together and tested it. Everything was in perfect working conditions.
Mission Accomplished.
This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.
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March 30, 2019 at 9:06 pm
do you sell the metal cover