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Odd Jobs Done In This  NATIONAL RX-C46F Two-In-One

By on December 7, 2024
Odd Jobs Done In This  NATIONAL RX-C46F Two-In-One







two in one cassette deck repair

This set was given to me by a family friend when we two visited their house for a function, with a request that a possible restoration could be attempted without spending too much for it. Looking at the outside condition of the set and seeing the disgusting cob webs all-around, I was about to decline but allowed him to keep it in the dicky of the car because of the crowd present around and further thinking how to say no to him as he also was a regular customer. This was lying around in my house as an eye-sore to my wife too and she would have asked me to give it back yen number of times!

But something told me that the set could be brought back to life, and I should not give up without trying my best, as it could be a good set in disguise! So, one day, when I had a little free time amongst several more priority sets pouring in, I took this up, applied power and found it to be working, to my pleasant surprise! So, I dismantled it to do a thorough internal cleaning. This set must have been lying in their attic and it had a lot of wall paint marks that could have got sprayed on it when they did painting in their house. Let us have a look at the inside:

how to fix cassette deck National

how to fix National cassette deck

Since customer was not willing to pay a high price for bringing the set back to a perfect condition and the set was working fairly well without any retouch of boards or replacement of all electrolytic capacitors (this was very disappointing for me), I just did a thorough cleaning of the boards and then lubricated the controls and switches. One of the hinges of the eject door was found broken. The needle drive of the tuner was found broken in three pieces. The transformer was not original and evidently it had undergone some repair work long back. The wheels of the tape deck mechanism were broken. The belts were broken too! There was no way that I could set this portion right. So, I only focused my attention on the Tuner. I sent messages to my techie friends enquiring whether the needle drive flexible plastic piece can be replaced. But never got any response, which meant that none of them had. Any attempt to join the broken pieces would be a futile attempt as these were broken at the spots where there were teeth that go over the gear wheel. I churned my brain for a solution and stuck of an idea of using a cable tie of same width. Though I tried using it, it was slipping because the knurling on it did not match with the teeth on the gear wheel. Then I used paper tape wrapped on it and increased the wrap by one more on repeated trial and error attempts. But it did not work.

Then I removed it and used cotton tape and tried similarly. It did not work too! So, I removed it and cleaned the cable tie to remove the gum. Then it struck upon me ‘why should I not try with a flat tape recorder belt that anyhow belonged to the set and in broken condition?’ Well, that made what looked like an impossible task, possible! I removed the needle drive from the dial and dismantled the unit. Then straightened the cable tie and fixed the flat belt on the gripping side using superglue. Then allowed it to remain there for some time under the fan at full speed. Then when I inserted the cable tie into the control gear, it worked very well! Then fixed the end which was holding the needle using superglue. Now let us have a look at some pictures, so that the narrations would become clearer:

fixing cassette deck

how to fix a broken National cassette deck

Then the needle moved very smoothly and I felt that it was working better! The rubber was doing its job as expected and I felt amused at the result! Then turned my attention to fix the broken hinge of the cassette door. At first, I joined the broken piece using superglue and allowed it to bond properly, keeping it under the running fan at full speed. Then used stapler pins and inserted it on three sides using my hot iron. I pressed the pins deep inside for a proper strong hold. Then inserted the door in its slot and placed the spring on its place. The door got fit snugly in its place and held the pressure of the spring action. Let us look at the pictures to know this type of bonding better:

how to fix cassette radio

Then allowed the set to work continuously for several hours before fixing the front cabinet. It was working fairly well.

Let us have a look at the finished work. I did not venture to clean up the paint as terpentine would react with plastic.

National radio cassette repair

So, two odd jobs done on this lovely set added satisfaction impregnated with excitement and amusement and this time the collection bag was too eager and volunteered to open up for its entry! (LOL).


This article was prepared for you by Parasuraman Subramanian from India. He is 74 years old and has more than 30 years’ experience in handling antique equipment like Valve Radio, Amps, Reel Tape Recorders and currently studying latest tech-classes conducted by Kerala State Electronics Technicians’ Association. He has done graduation in BBA degree, private diploma in Radio Engineering and retired as MD of a USA company. Presently working as Consultant to Hospital and other institutions.

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You may check on his previous article on Corrected A Tampered Japanese Make Tascam Model 112R Tape Deck




  1. Waleed Rishmawi

    December 7, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    I like your attitude about not letting the customer down but at least get some income for your work... any way, it was done as always the professional way and they were up and running again. a job well done my friend. have a blessed day

    • Parasuraman S

      December 7, 2024 at 7:49 pm

      Thanks again for your continued support, dear friend!

  2. Albert van Bemmelen

    December 7, 2024 at 5:21 pm

    We often have to do what we have at hand to fix a problem. But I'm sure that if you had a 3D printer or some other machine at home you'd be a miracle worker there too!

    • Parasuraman S

      December 7, 2024 at 7:52 pm

      Yes, I agree a 3D Printer would help, but cannot afford to have one and moreover there is no space to accommodate it, as the house is crammed with lots of sets lying around almost everywhere, drawing incessant irksome criticism from my wife! (LOL) Thanks for your comments, dear Albert!

  3. Mark J

    December 8, 2024 at 4:47 am

    Parasuraman Another great tape deck repair article. Well done.

    • Parasuraman S

      December 8, 2024 at 10:50 am

      Many thanks, dear Mark!

  4. Yogesh Panchal

    December 8, 2024 at 2:52 pm

    Good JOB! Sir,
    workaholic Nature will never compromise & let go.something is must to feed workaholic mind,and yes eye-sore is common Phenomena for most of technicians who converted his room in workshop without prior consent of the home minister ....Ha...ha...ha

  5. Parasuraman S

    December 8, 2024 at 5:05 pm

    Ha! Ha! Ha! You are exceptionally jovial nowadays! Good to see you that way, dear Yogesh Bai! Please keep it up!


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