Setting Up Electronic Repair Shop?
Have you ever come across your mind to set up your own electronic repair shop? Well, indeed you can if you have done some homework otherwise you may face lots of abstacle of running your own repair business. Do a market survey first like asking some other fellow repair friends about the market condition, check from your existing customers the market trend now, what are the volumes of equipment you expect to received every month, rough estimation of total bills for space rental, telephone, electricity, spare parts and other micellaneous fees (your salary, workers) and etc.
You need to know all these data before coming out on your own. You may start from your home first before going big or joint venture with another partner. Not only that, you have to come out with some market strategies to attract new customers, promotion and etc. Running an electronic repair shop is an on going process and the most important of all is your hardwork, perseverance, dedication and commitment. If you have all these in mind and prepared then there is no reason of not setting up your own electronic repair shop. All the best to you.