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Still Coping Up With Email Support
By Jestine Yong on June 13, 2009
Since after came back from China and sent out my monthly repair newsletter i got about 300 to 400 emails that yet to be replied. These few days in fact I’m trying my best to answer the emails and yet new emails still coming in. I guess it may take 2 more days before i could actually completely answer all of the emails. Sorry if it takes too long to answer your email.

john preher
June 13, 2009 at 2:29 am
Oh man!!I knew you would be busy when you got back......Just wanted to say Happy Birthday...also you asked if any one wanted to guess your age..I will say 32.....Have a good day, good luck catching up and talk to you soon...
Bill Lux
June 16, 2009 at 5:44 am
Jestine,I think you have a degree of some kind in electronics, is that true? Do you find having a electronics engineering degree helps you in repairs? Do you think a person can be a good repair person by study & staying updated? I would apperciate a reply when you can.
Thanks, Bill.
June 16, 2009 at 9:09 pm
Hi Bill,
Here are your question and answers:
Jestine,I think you have a degree of some kind in electronics, is that true?
"Yes i have a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering"
Do you find having a electronics engineering degree helps you in repairs?
"Not really because the course mostly touch on math calculation, power electronics, communication and other theories"
Do you think a person can be a good repair person by study & staying updated? I would apperciate a reply when you can.
"Yes in fact i have few repair friends that had no certificate at all and yet they can repair all sorts of electronic equipment. This field is more on the practical side. That means if you read good books, visit forums, do more practical work and never give up, i don't see why a person cannot be succesful in this field. One more important thing is the Mentality. I got lots of emails asking for free books, free meters, free this and free that. These are the people with poor mindset that i can say will never be successful in any field they are in-eventhough if they have a degree! Investment in the good meters, books and other information will pay itself back many many times! "
One word- Don't wait for things to happen and infact be the one who make things happen!