The Important of Having A Website
Do you know that nowadays it is important to own a website? If you want to grow your business (repair, sales, books and etc) i suggest that you build a website or get someone to build one for you. In your website you can put in type of services you are offering, your company profile, your charges, your contact number, and etc so that your customer know who he is dealing with. If your website rank high in the search engine for a number of keywords then there will be more inquiry about your services. You get free traffic from the search engine (google, yahoo, msn and etc) and you just need to pay a yearly fee to renew your hosting and your domain name. If you have any update news, offer/discount and etc, your customers could know it by visiting your website if you have their database.
Do you know that most of the students that have attended my repair course came to know me through my websites? Yes almost 90% of them! Just imagine if i did not build any websites and I’m sure there is no way they could find me. In fact i have tried the conventional way of using newspaper advertisement to get students but the response was very bad. Somehow when they look at my website, they could see my face, students, technical workshop and all these has convinced them to take up the course from my compnay.
If you look at the right side bar below of this blog you could see the statistic of total visitors coming to my blog. I have just installed it not long ago. Imagine the free traffic that i got and I have sold quite a numbers of things to them too!
If you want to grow your repair business, consider of building one website and test it out. Print the domain name into your business card, invoices and etc so that customer can remember it and when they need to repair broken equipment, they would surely call you first (by referring to the address in your website). Here is just one of the website that i found offering Big Screen TV repair (Chuck’s TV Repair). You may click on the photo to visit the website. Take a look at the website to get some ideas from it. By the way, if you have a repair website and wish to link to my website please email me and I’m sure i can send many visitors to your site. Start one before you are loosing out to your competitors.

john preher
April 22, 2009 at 12:32 pm
I agree, a website is very important.Many people are looking for repair shops online, rather than picking up a phone book these days.I get lots of business through my website including all the warranty work I do, all the warranty companies found and contacted me through my website.I would have lost alot of money if I had not had a website.
john preher
April 22, 2009 at 12:34 pm
oops I typed my website wrong in the last comment, it is
April 22, 2009 at 10:45 pm
Hi John,
Yes, without website i guess i would not have so many training course.