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Welcome To My New Electronics Blog
By Jestine Yong on June 20, 2007
The reason that i set up this new electronics and technology blog is to provide you with information related to electronic repair, computers, technical books and magazine, basic electronics, testing equipment (old and new), schematics, electronic suppliers, repair tools, and many more. I will still continue to write for but may be less a bit due to my time will be fully concentrating on this blog. If you have any comment about the topic that i’ve wrote, please feel free to voice out or to give suggestions so that the readers will benefit too. Thanks again for your support!

June 24, 2007 at 7:51 am
Hi.first let me say great job.I have found your articals very useful in alot of my projects.
My name is Ajay and im from South Afirca.
Recently I was requested by my employer to provide monitor repair training to the rest of my collegues.
I was required to go back to basics, something that i had done more than ten years ago.And the training had to be simple to begin with.Very simple!
so i decided to do it from scratch.I have completed a ppt presentation and was hoping you could let me know what you think.Honestly!And check that it is accurate.
So how do i send you my presentation if i may?
June 24, 2007 at 3:14 pm
Hi Ajay,
Just send to my email jestineyong(at) and i will take a look on that.
Have a nice day!
Amir Mukhtar
January 27, 2011 at 1:52 am
Dear Mr. young
I am highly inspired you work and guidance to people who want to learn repairing technologies.
Does it posible that i share my repairing experiences, story or trouble shooting strugle in your website concerned location. please tell me procedure.
thanks you
January 27, 2011 at 9:02 am
HI Amir,
If you wish to write any repair article for me to be published in my website, yes i always welcome it. Just send your article to jestineyong(at) and if i find it to be interesting i will publish it in my monthly repair article.