5 Resolutions To Improve Yourself And Your Business In 2012
The end of the year is a good time to set goals that will help you make your dream or vision to come true in the new year (and beyond).
Here are the 5 resolutions you might want to consider adopting:
1. Be realistic
Please do not set too many goals in a year otherwise you will be burned out and lose your focus. Set few goals to achieve as once you have completed one, give a pat on your back as a reward and celebrate it- then move on to the second goal.
2. Reading books
At the outside, one could look very strong but in the inside is actually very dry, weak and no motivation. Read books that can improve your self-confidence or your self-discipline. You need to be motivated all the time otherwise if negative thought sets in, all your dreams and visions will be vanished! You will say to yourself that this or that cannot be done and giving all kind of reasons/excuses of not accomplishing your aims. If possible attend those talks/seminars by motivation gurus and etc.
3. You need to focus
If you have a business, spend more time on how to bring in more customers and less time on those activities that does not benefit your company. Customers come and go and you need to look out for new customers so that your company will continue to make profit.
4. Social network
If you have a website or blog then find a way on how to make your website/blog to be known. One of the ways to increase traffic to your website/blog is to be active on your Facebook and Twitter. Make post that can help or educate them. This will grow your reader and customer base.
5. Be healthy
For the past few months I have joined my elder brother and old classmates to play badminton once a week. I have lost some weight and felt much more energetic. Sitting too long to do the repair work without a good exercise will only deteriorating out health in the long run. Any form of exercise/sport will always benefit to the body and mind. If you are smoking and have a plan to quit then make the coming new year to kick out the smoking habit.
If you have never experience the joy of completing any resolution before, then I suggest that you reread this post again. You have to be persistent and committed of accomplishing your goals.
Wishing you and family a happy, healthy and Prosperous New Year!
P.S. There are more than 5 resolutions that I have mentioned above and if you have good things to share about setting goals, please add your suggestions in the comments section below-thanks!

Laptops / Notebooks / Tablets please.
December 30, 2011 at 3:27 pm
Hi Jestine,
Laptops / Notebooks / Tablets please. ... that's what we need right now. In fact, a whole forum for starters
That's the bulk of the future.
Happy New Year.
Joel G.Yabe
December 30, 2011 at 5:25 pm
Hi, I don't have any comment about your about your 5 tips to improve my self for business, it is fantastic and very simple. I like it so much. by the way I would like to thanks you to for some of information and tips I got from your email. do you have any incoming training or seminars to conduct this coming year 2012? if there is please notify me so that i can plan to attend. I hope you have prosperous new year to come.
December 30, 2011 at 6:10 pm
Hello Every One & Happy New Year...
1st of all I would like to pay special thanks to Mr. Jestin Yong for giving us such a informative instructions on repairing electronic goods whole year.
5 resolutions to improve yourself is indeed a good motivated words, and I would like to adopt them in 2012.
Thank you and Happy New Year.......
rolando tolentino
December 30, 2011 at 6:31 pm
Thanks a lot for all your dedication to reach out to all electronics enthusiast by giving all this technical know how in electronics repairing ,if I found out your column earlier I should'nt have gone abroad , I really love this job of repairing ,my father started this business during 1970 I grow up playing around on his shop , that time appliances utilize this vacuum tube , it amused me if because of the heater glow inside.I made repairing as my source of income after some recession on my life between 2000 but due to lack of financial and some technical support I went abroad on 2005 .I still dream of ahving this repair shop and hope thru your motivation I can start one .
But anyhow may you also have a wonderful new year ,and great health
"take a break and enjoy the holiday"
Michael Sathe
December 30, 2011 at 7:43 pm
Thanks a lot, and happy new year
Nadeem Siddiqui
December 30, 2011 at 8:37 pm
I am into computer business. I was not good in electronic repairs but with the help of Sir Jestine Yong's tuning I got confidence and could do much better, still a log way to go. I am not good on SMD, so my goal for 2012 is to get more perfection and expertise on the same.
December 30, 2011 at 11:56 pm
HI Guys,
Thanks for all the encouragement!
December 31, 2011 at 12:18 am
I have two things to mention:
"Vision without Action is a daydream
Action without Vision ia a nightmare"
Take 5 or 6 DEEP Breaths whenever you are in tension and it will vanish like ice on steam.
This is my practical experience and I repeat it with every NEW Year as a resolutiion.
Wish All a Happy Peaceful and Healthy NEW YEAR
Tan Teck Boon
December 31, 2011 at 12:51 am
Hi Jestine & Friend From The World,
Actually i am electronics repair technician from sony company but now do my
own computer service business,
I have read through this 5 resolutions to improve yourself is indeed a good motivated words and I already set 1 & 2 goals sothat can achieve by end of the year 2012
Thank you & Happy New Year…….
bob lou
December 31, 2011 at 1:03 am
I am 62 years old and started out fixing vacuum tube tv's, then came transistors. My friend and I ran a shop together for many years, we are retired but miss working in the field of electronic repair so this coming year our goal is to re-open. Every day I study and I keep busy learning new things. Many thanks to Jestine Yong for sharing his knowledge with us.
December 31, 2011 at 2:14 am
Thanks Jestine for the valuable information which you have given during the past year.I wish you and your family the best of health and
success for the year 2012.The past year has been challenging,but with
God's help I have made it through.I intend to continue working hard and reading extensively.Keep the good work up Jestine and God bless.
Shahid Ali Shah
December 31, 2011 at 2:17 am
My Aim is to be one of the best engineer in the 2012 in my region Peshawar Old (N.W.F.P)Khyber Pukhtoon Khawa Pakistan.
Currently I am serving in a National Firm CSM:-Computer Super Markets Peshawar a distribution of the products of (HP & COMPAQ)
Note:-I am thankful to my Beloved and respected Sir (Jestine Yong)for his
continous regular and sincere guideline through the hole season and i was just nothing before his guideline
thanks:.Jestine my respected and beloved Sir:-God Bless you and your family for ever.
December 31, 2011 at 3:49 am
The resolutions titbits are quite helful especially where you said do not make too many resolutions!!!I belive thats whre most of us fail and the other aspect of not being focused really derails us!!!
A few people yet do not pay attention to good health!!I personnaly like jogging and have also got myself a racing bike just to keep fit.
"A healthy mind thinks of healthy things!!"
Elgie Bugas
December 31, 2011 at 5:15 am
I am glad that 2011 will end with a good memories of my own experience in my field of work that is in electronics and communications. I am also happy that Mr. Yong was part of this endeavor to help others with the same love of electronics. It help a lot on sharing and shortening the troubleshooting time of repairing electronic devices.
With the coming new year, my request to Mr. Yong is to include also some repairs on smartphones and tablets. On my part I am doing the software side of this new technology, getting to know of it OSes used and how to give technical assistance in the future.
May our new year 2012 be a fruitful and enlightening one for us who loves electronics and tinker around this heaps of electronic devices.
December 31, 2011 at 6:23 am
on a material aspect i plan to carry on planning for success i started by becoming a member of this lcd tv repair and found my interest in anything todo with electronics has been rekindled on a moral aspect i aim to provide a service that makes all i come into contact with feel that it was a good experience and we all gained from it and i hope this year doesnt go as fast as the last couple have regards and best wishes to all for 2012 regards john
S P Gupta
December 31, 2011 at 10:19 am
Hi Jestine,
Thank you for sharing some of very simple and basic things in
personal and professional life. Only a person rich in knowledge and pure at heart could be so generous. I wish you a very very happy new year and hope you will keep discovering new technical secrets and sharing them with us.
S P Gupta.
December 31, 2011 at 4:47 pm
Hi Jestine,
Thanks for this wonderful resolutions.
I will try to find more time to have a good exercise.
More power!
Happy New Year to everyone....
Jackson Lui
December 31, 2011 at 8:11 pm
Hi Justine, I really appreciate your generosity in sharing your expertise and time. I'm grateful for your continuous support.
I have below ideas for service repair encouragement. Expand their expertise, puts problem-solving skills into action, continuous improvement efficiency, simple but effective, logging on to e-learning & imaginative thinking.
Thank you for taking care of everything so well. I hope I can return the favor someday.
May you enjoy a good measure of success and prosperity in the New Year 2012.
With Best Regards
Jackson Lui- Hong Kong. 31-12-2011.
Ben Derks
December 31, 2011 at 10:29 pm
You are a nice person _ Thanks for everthing
January 1, 2012 at 4:02 am
hey jestine I am a student so my resulutions are;
1.achieve 1st rank in my whole standard.
2.read all self-help books.
3.take a seat in d.p.s.
4.make friends in dubai.
5.take my belly out.
arnold codilla
January 2, 2012 at 8:57 am
Hello sir jestine thank you very much to send me every month news latter very informative about electronics repair. thanks hope your family have good health and your business booming this 2012.god bless you all..........
Amir Mukhtar
January 2, 2012 at 1:18 pm
Sir Jestine
Thanks you for 5 resolutions of business and success in life strategies.
its true and valuable to achieve targets earlier.
on the other hand, i declared by your permission that above 5 resolutions consider as 5 rules of success in professionalism.
thanks you
Amir MUkhtar
Clinton Yarbrough
January 2, 2012 at 11:23 pm
My plans for the new year are to learn all I can about repairing electronics at the board level. I've just purchased a new SMD rework station and I'm building confidence in the skills I am acquiring from reading Professor Yongs ematerial. I just wish Professor Yong was around my area so I could study directly under him.
I have technical certificates, Networking Degree, and CompTIA A+ certification; been working on computers for 25+ years. But, I've always wanted to be able to repair the hardware. Now, thanks to Professor Yong, I am able to understand how different circuits work in conjunction with each other and how to troubleshoot them properly.
Thank you Professor Yong for taking the time to teach us!
Sincerely and Respectfully
Clinton Yarbrough
Certified Computer Services, LLC
January 3, 2012 at 4:44 am
happy new year for you mr yong
merry christmas to you and your family
thank you a lot for your great help
thanks to your easy to understand way
in explaining i consider my self one of
your student .
life is short but we can make it longer only
by achievements .There are who live many
years but what did they achieve and what
did they left after they died this is the matter
the problem is not in setting goals and aims
the problem is in achieving them , in starting
ding an fullfilling them
thank you again
Darrell Terry
January 3, 2012 at 5:10 am
Focus on the fundamentals. I have been doing this for a couple of years now, that is, going back to my basic electronics, semiconductors, and digital electronics books from school.I am re-studying and re-absorbing the information. I did very well in school, but here in the US once you get out of school, very few people actually do electronic repair. My experience working in industry, not for myself, is that we determine where the bad card/board is and we replace that. That is more economical since the price of electronics keeps falling and repairs are becoming increasingly difficult with software controlled chips and SMD. But this can cause you to forget those basics.
However, I still believe that a thorough understanding of the basics along with some programming skills is the basis for being successful. My efforts in this area have enabled me to obtain the employment along with respect from my employer/workmates which I currently have.
So my advice, if you want to be successful, is to FOCUS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS. If your foundation is strong, you can build anything on it that you want to and be among the best. Go in order. Read one book covering a topic (AC/DC Fundamentals, Seminconductors, Digital, C programming) per year, two if you have time. Three or four if you don't have to work or go to school. But whatever you do, make sure you really "get it" before you move on. DO THE LABS,PROJECTS in the book or find one that has them. In fact make sure the books you choose have labs or an accompanying lab manual. You must see these principals in action. A real goal may take more than a year, but each month or year you come closer to finishing it. So have a clear plan and don't think you failed if you don't finish it by next year. Keep going until to you complete your goal!!
January 3, 2012 at 9:47 am
Hi Clinton,
Thanks for comment but I'm just a normal guy and not a professor.
January 3, 2012 at 9:53 am
Hi Darrell,
Thanks for the wonderful post-this is very encouraging!
January 3, 2012 at 10:19 am
Hi, Jestine,
Thankyou for your website
Wishing you an yours all the best in 2012
January 4, 2012 at 2:45 am
Hi, Thanks for your letters all those months, I do enjoy them. Good health and good luck to you! Wish you continued success.
January 4, 2012 at 8:15 pm
Take a vacation off the work environment.You will meet new people with new ideas when you interact with them.you will always come back fresh after having had some rest.of course with your family and kids too.
Muso Dzivhani
January 4, 2012 at 11:59 pm
Hi Jestine
First I would like thank you Mr. Yong for your endless efforts to reach every individual on earth and the boost you give out to us who thought I will never be something, but today I am.I found this website without any knowledge of electronics whatsoever but today I rapair monitors, power supply etc and all as a result of year 2011 alone. 1. This year 2012 I want to give more time in learning and master my work. 2. To have eat list two books written by Jestine Yong. 3.I want to also advance to rapairing LCD screens and Plasma and 4. excesise which I have not done for years now.
So today I have value to my employer because we are not sending boards away for repair I do it tha give me confident thanks to you Mr. Yong.
Have a blessed 2012.
January 6, 2012 at 10:08 am
Hi Jestine,
Thanks for calling on me to write for your blog. My aims are simple. I want to help as many people as possible.. People come to me when they have problems with pen drive, mp3 player Stereo sets, Microwave oven, Washing machine, computers, printers. I had one microwave come all the way from Penang. CRT monitors from all over the place. Many dump unwanted tvs and other electrical good that are giving problems with me
I salvage what ever I can the rest send to recycling cetre . Now I can help with LCD monitors. I only charge for parts and petrol and accept what ever they give. I stopped commercializing my trade two years ago. These days I don't get many like before. Back then I will work from AM to midnight. People keep bringing their monitors. I always had a big pile to finish.
I used to charge very little. What can you do if you have a lot of money. It can bring trouble.
At the peak my turn over was about 2 K per day. I was the biggest computer dealer in my place. All my neighbors and friend bought full set of pcs from me.I used to supply 40 to 50 pcs to some schools. Now I have slowed down. I work at home because of my tinnitus. My goals are few.
1. Take life as it comes. Always be one step ahead when it come to health. Watch what you eat. When you plan something include The great man on TOP. With his blessing you have a better chance to Succeed. Sometimes the MAN at the TOP has different Plans.
2. Learn up everything about LCD TVs and monitors from Jestine
3. Spent more time with my children.
4.My wife and me have started planing to travel to France , Holland, Norway and the arctic circle.
I cannot tell the exat date.
This year we went to England, Iceland,Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Estonia and Russia. Last mounth we went to Shenzen and Zhangjiajie.
We travel slowly so we can see more. Sometimes due to my tinnitus I sleep the whole day.
Lastly my advice to all electronic repairers be with Jestine. You will benefit.
Time to wish to all electronic repairers connected to Jestine one way or other A MERRY CHRISMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR.1012.
Bye for now
yusuf atanda
January 6, 2012 at 10:43 pm
I sinserly appreciate the impactyou take by assisting me on electronic repairing butto be frank am not finding it that easy where I am because there are so much challenges as in there are so many technician where I am so it now affect the price paid on repairing crt.
Actually I have set a goal this year by changing my location and at the same time change from crt to lcd tv but the only problem I will be facing now is that how to repair the [S.M.D]on the inverter board and mother board because it is always difficult to get those boards here in my place. So if there is any thing you can advise.or do for me on that please I will look forward to hear from you. Thank you very much my regard to your family
January 7, 2012 at 4:33 pm
jun sumastre
January 10, 2012 at 10:18 pm
Hi jestine,
i read all your electronics news letter its very informative,and it makes me more confident to repair.thank you and more power....happy new year.
SR electronics parts and services
Márcio A. Marsiglia
January 19, 2012 at 10:51 pm
Its a enormous honor to have you Jestine as our eletric mentor and I thank you for a full year of precious knowledge! My goal for this year is dedicated to all eletric cientists and workers including you my friend:
I plan to continue the quest of Nikola Tesla to bring free wireless eletricity to the world!
January 20, 2012 at 2:39 pm
Hi Marcio,
Thanks for the comment.
February 16, 2012 at 7:29 am
مرحبا جوستينك Jestine
شكرا على معلومات القيمة نتمنى لك سنة سعيدةانتا واسرتك الكريمة
ارجو ان اتساعدني
انا امارس مهنة اصلاح الا جهزة الكترونية
تصادفن بعض الماشكل في صيانة بعض الاجهزة
February 17, 2012 at 10:15 pm
Hi Bouabid,
You are welcome.