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Same Model But Different Version Of Electronic Boards?

By on June 27, 2008

During my time of repairing CRT Montors back in the early 90’s in a computer distributor company, i was provided with a feedback form for me to fill in all the details faults of the particular model for a CRT Monitor. That means whatever problem that i had solved i have to write in the report and fax it to the Factory who made the Monitors. First i did not know the intention of the feedback form but after couples of months the answers came.

The purpose of the feedback form is for manufacturer to find out the weakness and improve the Monitor quality in the next batch. Let’s put it in a simple way of explanation. Okay, i found a resistor open circuited (24k 1/8 watt) in the brightness section. The problem was extremely bright and front panel control have no effect on the picture. After sending the feedback form informing them about the resistor problem and when new batch arrived (same model) i found that the board version (printed on the board) were different. Then when i looked at the resistor, i found that now the manufacturer had changed the resistor watt to a bigger value which was 24k i/4 watt.  

Since after the replacement of the new resistor by the manufacturer, the brightness problem have never appear again thus the quality of the Monitor were getting better. The lesson learned here was that don’t be surprise if you see two identical mainboards but have some slight different in the components used.


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