Coffee, Tea, Coke …….
Many times i came across Monitor problem where drinks fallen off and shorted the internal circuitry. Some customers admitted it was their fault of causing coffee, tea, coke and etc to accidentally poured on the set. Some Monitors can be save by just cleaning and drying off the water in it while some would have big problems that can’t be solve. The big problem that I’m referring to was the Monitor have more than one problem. The drinks could have affected many part of the circuits and thus it will not be easy to diagnose. Once you have solved a problem, another problem would creep up. I will usually return the set back to customers if i discovered many problems in it. It would be a waste of time if you continue to look out for the fault.
If the customer had kept the Monitor for such a time and then send for you to repair, you will definitely could see many rusted pins at the components caused by the acid from the coke or coffee. The splash scattered throughout the board and badly damaged the components in it. Some customers also complaint that their Monitor have problem after the Air conditioner water accidentally dropped into the Monitor. Well, be prepared to hear all sort of complaints from customers especially if you are just starting out in the repair field .