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No Power In LG 32 Inch LED TV Repaired

By on July 26, 2021
lg led tv repair








As I entered a mini market near the area where I live, the owner of the market who is also a friend of mine asked me if I can repair his 32 inches LED TV that was dead after a power shut down in the area? I put the TV in the back seat of my car and took the next day to my shop for further inspection.

lg led tv repair

The standby light was on but the TV was not coming on which is an

indication of a power supply issue and that is where I headed right after I took the back cover off.

how to fix lg led tv

how to repair lg led tv

That TV was sitting in the shop for almost ten years; look closely to the amount of dirt accumulated inside this TV set.

32 inch lg led tv repair

I cleaned all the dust and I am sure you can see the difference between the two photos.

bad caps in lg led tv power supply

The fuse was intact and everything looked fine except the two bulged capacitors in the output area of the power supply.

lg led tv  power supply board fix

I took the board off so I can have access to these faulty capacitors and look what I found. Two legs of one faulty capacitor was already de soldered and it was still attached to the board for some reason.

I do not understand what was happening here and I did not bother to ask the customer so I went ahead with the repair.

capacitor bulged

I took the two faulty capacitors off and replaced them with good ones and powered on the TV set and it worked just fine.

One problem I faced when I powered on the TV is the HDMI ports were not working. The TV came on but I was getting no signal display.

hdmi port in led tv

I took a look on the HDMI ports on the back of the TV and as I expected there were full of dust and needed some cleaning.

how to fix a broken lg led tv

After the cleaning of these two HDMI ports the TV worked like a charm. I tested the TV for about one hour and then I put it in the back seat of my car and took it to the customer who was happy to see his TV up and running.

Mission Accomplished.

This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.

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Note: You can check his previous article on How To Replace Bulging Battery In Iphone 5s




  1. Parasuraman S

    July 26, 2021 at 11:30 am

    Glad to read an article on LED TV from you! Well done, dear friend!

    • Waleed Rishmawi

      July 26, 2021 at 2:43 pm

      Parasuraman: thanks man. I appreciate your comment.have a blessed day

      • Lewis Spedding

        July 27, 2021 at 3:12 am

        great work glad the screen was okay after all that time

      • Aliyu Abu

        July 30, 2021 at 2:59 pm

        Thanks for the update and for the first time in my schedule.Have a nice time and a great day.
        It's Aliyu

  2. Albert van Bemmelen

    July 26, 2021 at 1:14 pm

    If that TV was sitting in the shop for almost ten years no wonder the customer looked surprised when you brought it back to him after all this time. In ten years a lot can happen, like having less customers?

    • Waleed Rishmawi

      July 26, 2021 at 2:46 pm

      Albert: sorry my bad in using sitting in his was sitting in his shop being used not in the storage room. it was used as security camera was hanging on his wall being used as monitor for 10 years..sorry about the confusion. have a blessed day

      • William Shaw

        September 29, 2021 at 11:06 pm

        Being a regular English user myself, I was amused by Albert's (humorous) observation about it being "in the shop" for ten years. Thank you for the good laugh!

  3. Yogesh Panchal

    July 28, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    Waleed,Good attitude never say No to any Repair......Good JOB!

    • Waleed Rishmawi

      July 29, 2021 at 1:45 pm

      yogesh: thanks man. I do what I can to help out people of course limited to what i can or can not do. have a blessed day.

  4. Tito Kanshulu

    July 29, 2021 at 6:44 pm

    Nice article Waleed. I think these equipments need protective maintenance now and again. Those capacitors got bulged because of long use.


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