Premium Test probes

If you found that your test probes does not make a good connection on the circuit test points when checking components on/off board I suggest that you upgrade your test probes to the gold plated test probes with very slim and yet sharp tips. This eliminate the unstable reading from your test meters. If the test probes is made of screened cable it would be even better (for checking ESR value less than 0.1ohm) because it can avoid pick-up of unwanted radiation from any working TV line output stage in the vicinity. If you take a look at the probes of the Capanalyzer 88A you will observed that it uses the screened cable with gold plated tip. The read out is super stable as compare to those common test probes.
You can try ebay (type pomona test probes) or even Peak Electronics to look for such a probes. Check out the spec and make sure they are gold plated. Please click on the photo to visit Peak Electronics accessories page.