Nikkei electronics asia magazine
Just received the May edition of the nikkei electronics asia magazine. It was a bit late for this month-that’s ok. Here are just some of the topics covered in the magazine-“Protecting content with electronic patterns, Next Blu-ray Disc Goal (Optical Disc + Network), Demand for small electric cars drives growth, Codec technology improves audio in wireless headphones, Nanotech drives clean, green, sustainable electronics and etc. If you haven’t subscribe then subscribe now to get a free copy.
Currently i have two thumbdrive to backup my data just incase anything happens to my computer. But both of the thumbdrive already fulled so i went to a nearby computer shop and bought a 8 Gig Kingston thumb drive. Do you know that there is a possibility that one day your computer might stop working without giving you any sign? It could be a hard disk fault or lightning strike problem. I don’t want to take the chances of losing the data thus i have to get the thumbdrive. Better safe than regret later as i have lots of information stored in my hard disk! If you haven’t back up your computer, i suggest you do it to avoid the pain of losing your priceless information.
Remember last week i went for a medical test? Yes today i went again for another test which was the bone test and stress test and the stress test required me to run on a threadmill and at the same time fixing some gadget on my chest (heart area). The result of the stress test was normal and I’m quite happy too with the blood test result-all were good. I meant the cholesterol level, protein, albumin, sodium, potassium, calcium, red and white blood count and etc. If you haven’t do any blood test before, i strongly recommend you consider to do it as early detection of any sickness can lead to a better chance of recovery. We need good health to keep us working and don’t forget there are still lots of broken equipment out there waiting for you to repair! By the way sold another two more Blue ESR meter to a local buyer and another one to USA.