About the Quality Of PCB Boards

If you are a seasoned electronics repairer, I believe you must have seen many different type or circuit boards. There are quality and not so good quality circuit boards can be found in the market.
The quality one:
a) Usually is thicker and hard
b) There seems be a protective layer on the surface
c) The soldering points are not easily drop off even after few attempts of removing and desoldering the component from and onto it.
d) The circuit track is usually robust and hard to break
e) Not commonly found in the market unless if you repair those high end electronic equipment
The not so good quality one (common type):
a) The board is generally thin and a bit soft (in certain boards you could bend it)
b) Not cover by a protective layer
c) The soldering points will be easily came off after few attempts of removing and desoldering the component from and onto it.
d) The circuit track will be easily break in between the line if there is a bend on the circuit board.
e) Commonly found in consumer electronics equipment
Generally cheaper electronic equipment will use the not so good quality type of circuit board. If you have more info about circuit boards and wish to share with others please leave your comments below-thanks