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Already Hit More Than 111111 Visitors

By on August 7, 2009

Actually i did not expect the number of visitors that came to my blog hit 111111. I immediately captured the stat counter and post it here. Wow! there are so many number “1”. Since after installing the tracking code last year I’m able to track how many visitors been to my website. Thanks for all the support




  1. Waleed

    August 8, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    congratualations. you seems surprised that you got this many vistors. do not be surprised. you are an honest hard working faithful man and we look up to you for things in electronics repair. I believe the lord is blessing you with great things. praise be to his name..i thank you for all your hard faithful work you have been doing, may the lord give you more strengh to keep blessing us with these wonderful tips about repairs.

  2. admin

    August 8, 2009 at 11:25 pm

    Hi Waleed,

    Thanks and may the Lord bless you and family too!



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