Beware Of Panel Broken Cases When No Display TVs are Taken Up For Service

This Impex LED TV Model Smart32 was brought to me with the complaint that there was no display. The customer was known to me as he had brought CRT TV for servicing long back. After opening and cleaning the inside, when I switched on, I noticed that the Voltage outputs and the voltages at the Scaler Board were ok.
When I checked the voltage for the backlight it was showing full, which indicated that the back-light was defective. I checked the backlight with my LED Tester also. So, dismantled the panel and took out the back lights. Went to market and bought exact replacements.
After fixing the backlight and placing the panel back, when TV was switched on, I was shocked to see that the panel was cracked on the left side. I was sure it could never have happened from my side, as I was extremely sure of handling it very safe.
On close observation, I could see traces of an impact in the middle and guessed that it would have caused only if some children had played ball inside the house and happened to hit the panel. This was such a thin panel that I had to be extremely careful in removing it and placing it on my bed. I called the customer and told that TV was back to working, but I had noticed damage to the panel for reasons as assumed by me. The customer agreed that his children were playing football inside the room where the TV was kept, which was a big relief to me. So, friends, beware of such possibilities. In this case, the customer agreed. But according to my techie friends, the customers sometimes deliberately bring such sets and accuse technicians for getting a free replacement.
So, there is a risk involved whenever we get sets with display off. Normally, like in this case, when I see customer holding the TV pressing their fingers on the panel, I warn them that any hard press on the panel would crack it and can be viewed only when back light gets on. That statement, rather an advance bail, might help us face such situations.
Though I was a bit hesitant to add satisfaction to the collection, it pacified me that I had done my work well. So, operation was successful, though patient died! (LOL) Customer collected the TV and paid my charges.
Though I politely declined to take it, he insisted on paying and was found apologetic. Well, such good customers are also there!
This article was prepared for you by Parasuraman Subramanian from India. He is 72 years old and has more than 30 years’ experience in handling antique equipment like Valve Radio, Amps, Reel Tape Recorders and currently studying latest tech-classes conducted by Kerala State Electronics Technicians’ Association. He has done graduation in BBA degree, private diploma in Radio Engineering and retired as MD of a USA company. Presently working as Consultant to Hospital and other institutions.
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You may check on his previous article on Yet Another Track Cut Saves One More LED TV, SANSUI MODEL SJX32HB02CTF

Anwar Shiekh
June 18, 2022 at 11:11 am
One reason I only repair my own equipment, I would hate to have to deal with dishonest people.
Parasuraman S
June 18, 2022 at 11:52 pm
Well, there are a few like that. It is a bit risky, when we run a commercial shop.
Tyrone Arendse
June 18, 2022 at 1:18 pm
Thanks for the informative tutorial, you are right in saying most people would have shift the blame, you were lucky
Parasuraman S
June 18, 2022 at 11:52 pm
Yes, many thanks!
June 18, 2022 at 1:30 pm
You've been so lucky, the customer accepted your words.
It happened also to me, and after I've lost the customer.
It happened also on a mobiles, a customer said it needs battery replacement ; but it was a shorted charger inside the mobile that won't charge anymore and also depleted the battery
Parasuraman S
June 18, 2022 at 11:53 pm
Yes, such incidents do take place! We cannot please everyone!
Albert van Bemmelen
June 18, 2022 at 3:15 pm
Good advice Parasuraman! And Anwar in his comment may have a point!
Parasuraman S
June 18, 2022 at 11:53 pm
Yes, I agree! Many thanks, dear!
Paris Azis
June 18, 2022 at 3:31 pm
You were lucky with the owner Parasuraman,as he was honest...Good job anyway!
Parasuraman S
June 18, 2022 at 11:54 pm
Yes, very true! Many thanks!
Waleed Rishmawi
June 18, 2022 at 4:18 pm
you were lucky that your customer understood that situation because alot of customers they bring you broken panel TV and then later blame it on you for breaking it. what I do is, I usually shine a bright light in a dark room to see if there is crack on the dipslay while the customer is waiting in the shop just to make sure all is well. thanks for sharing and have a blessed day
Parasuraman S
June 18, 2022 at 11:55 pm
That is a good piece of advice. If it is a small crack on the corner, it is likely to be missed! Many thanks for your comments and tips, dear friend!
Tito Kanshulu
June 18, 2022 at 9:24 pm
A good advice from you boss. Dead led tv are a concern for most technicians
Parasuraman S
June 19, 2022 at 4:10 pm
Many thanks, dear!
Babu M S
June 18, 2022 at 11:25 pm
Good information your given sir. Thank you very much for sharing.
Parasuraman S
June 19, 2022 at 4:10 pm
Many thanks, dear!
Yogesh Panchal
June 21, 2022 at 4:37 pm
Good job! Sir,
Now a days companies are using "Paper Thin Panels" even for laptops it easily gets Crack when trying to replace.
Parasuraman S
June 23, 2022 at 8:39 am
Yes, I have observed that! Compensating quality for compromising prices to make it competitive is the trend of trades universally! Many thanks for your comments!