Completed The Basic Electronic Course
The internet line was okay once i got home thus i could start to post again. Today i have just completed a 2 days basic electronic course for a participant. By right this is a 3 days course but because there was only one participant and the participant wanted me to complete it in 2days by giving lesser break (rest time) and to have longer tutorial time. I managed to complete the syllabus and he was quite fast in finishing the project i have given him.
For your information he graduated from UK with Degree in Mechanical Engineering and run his own computer recycle business and he has about 60 staff! He used to visit Shenzen China to source parts and encourage me to go there as that place is like a heaven for all the electronic stuff. He even recommends me which hotel to stay, when to go, which complex to visit and so on. He is a very humble and a practical guy and willing to share all his experiences and even invited me to go to his office to have a look on his computer recycle business. He also had ordered the Blue ESR and Blue Ring Tester which i’m going to deliver to him most probably by next and at the same time could visit his company. I will show you some photos if i going to his place next week.
Here is the photo of him and you may click on the website photo to visit his company website.