Completed The LCD Monitor Repairing Course
These few days had been very busy conducting the LCD Monitor Repairing Course for the staff of Malaysia Airport Technology (MAT). They are the staff that had completed the Advance Monitor Repairing Course last year and this year they have to take the LCD Monitor Repair course. I could see that they are ever ready to repair LCD equipment once they are back to their company. How did i know it? Simple, by giving them questions and faulty board to repair. The answers and the repair solutions provided by them reflect their understanding and knowledge in LCD Monitor repair.
Due to the training i have delayed in replying emails from fellow members because once i reached home, it was quite tiring and need to take some rest before continue on the next day. The tiredness most probably was from the Langkawi trip because when we were there, we visited many places. The most exhausted one was the way to the sky bridge. We got to walk downhill and after viewing the scenery we walked back uphill (went many staircase and its like jungle trekking) to the cable car station.
Next week i will have another LCD Monitor Repairing course and this time two of the participants are from another company that deals with medical test equipment. Here are the photos and videos taken during the course: