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Console Doctor Website

By on July 26, 2008

I got an email from the webmaster of console doctor website to ask for linking. That means they want my website to put his website link and their website with mine. If you visit the website and click on the “Links and Partners” you would see my website electronic repair guide dot com was listed there. The whole purpose of website linking is to bring traffic to each other website. Without traffic or visitors even though you have the best repair website in the world nobody knows you. In other words no visitors means no activity! If you are my reader and have a repair website I’m more than willing to link to your website and these would surely bring lots of visitors to your website. Please email me at jestineyong(at) if you are interested.

About the console doctor website, it is a website mainly in repairing of PSP, PS2, PS3, Wii, Disc and etc. They are located in Nort East Of England, on the Newcastle Quayside. Feel free to browse their website by clicking on the picture.

console repair



  1. Bebe

    May 7, 2010 at 11:05 am

    It is a good idea. I read your site for a few months , and i think is a verry good . I am happy to find in your site informations about a lot of stuff.
    Now i build my site , and i hope we will collaborate.
    All thanks,
    Your Bebe , from Romania , Bacau.
    P.S. In short time i will buy your books.

  2. admin

    May 7, 2010 at 10:23 pm

    HI Bebe,

    Nice to know that and keep up the good work!



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