Dresses To Succeed
If you are going for an interview please make sure that you dress nicely because you have only the first few minutes of an interview to make a good impression. Many people say that do not judge a book by looking at its cover but in fact that there are more people judge a book by its cover before it read through the contents. That means the cover design of the book captured his attention first then he began to flip through the book and judge the content. If you have a very good content but because of a very poor book cover design, the customers may not glance the contents because he or she may assume that the contents inside would just like the cover of the book. This means he/she did not have the chance to read through the contents.
This is similar with when you want to go for an interview whether you are looking for a technician job or from other fields. During my 12 years of running the company i have seen many types of people came for interview for the post of repair technicians. Some wore short sleeve, some long sleeve, some long sleeve with neck tie and etc. The one that caught my attention among others was a guy who wore long sleeve and with a neck tie. Of course i went through with all of them. Somehow few of them were quite good during the interview time and i only need one technician at that moment. Guess who i have employed? Yes the one that wore the neck tie. I’m not bias about this but impression do really count besides i’m quite satisfied with the answer he had given during the interview time. I’m not saying others are no good, but decision have to be made and i had selected him.
I may be wrong in selecting that person but let me tell you something he is the one that have stayed with us for more than 8 years! He is still working with me and till now i am very glad that i have a staff like him.
Conclusion-If you want to go for any interview, make sure you know how to dress and prepare some home work first and i believe the chances for you to succeed will be very high. First impression really counts!