Fujitsu Laptop Repaired

A co-worker brought to me his Laptop FUJITSU LIFEBOOK Model: V1020 because when he turned-on the equipment, it was shutting-down some minutes later.
First thing done was to check on the external SMPS, it was working fine, so the Laptop had to be disassembled.
The Main board was checked carefully, and there was no electronic component burnt or exploded.
After almost 1 hour of exploring carefully the Main board, connectors, hardware, etc. the culprit was found: a false-contact in both connections of the DC-jack.
Both contacts were re-soldered and the Laptop was fully assembled. When it was turned-on everything seemed to be OK, but finally the trouble remained, only this time it was shutting down at a longer time.
So the job had to be continued, this time the equipment was fully disassembled again, but now look at the photo below to see what was done.
I have to use two little pieces of wire to join the contacts to another solder joint in the same rail. This time when the equipment was assembled it really worked perfectly: mission accomplished.
This article was prepared for you by Humberto Rodriguez, one of our ‘Master Authors’ from Cuba.
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August 18, 2015 at 3:43 pm
Hello Sir
This type of job need very close observation because it looks everything is fine. Result shows when you start laptop. Really good job and thanks for sharing it.
August 29, 2015 at 1:27 am
very good articles
November 30, 2016 at 9:33 pm
I had the same type Fujitsu V1020 and has problem like your article, when charging the battery suddenly icon battery filling disappear and battery going low, so if using battery laptop is normal, then I tried to remove and install power plug and turn on still not charging, then I remove battery and plug in by P/S and turn on laptop not on and led indicator no ones on, I already tried to fix by follow the article above still not fixed and I already search any damage components but nothing. the P/S already checked by avometer shown 19 volt mean normal.
may be you have suggest for my problem ?