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High End Testing Equipment

By on May 28, 2008

keithley test instrument

The test equipment/instrument listed in the Keithley website are from the high end type mainly use in the semiconductor manufacturing factory, Lab and etc. The price for only the digital multimeter could range from at least thousand dollar and above! However you can get a used unit with a cheaper price from ebay and they have many of them.

The question is, is it necessary to buy such an expensive new equipment in our electronic troubleshooting work? My answer is no unless you have the budget and wish to venture into precision electronic work like in the medical field where calibration is considered very important. If you are just repairing the normal consumer electronic equipment such as TVs, Monitors, power supplies i guess a middle range test equipment will do the good job for you. If you can really afford and could get a cheap deal from ebay, then go ahead to get one. Please click on the image to enter the website.


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