No Switching-On in ASROCK PC Repaired

This ASROCK Conroe 1333-D667 was brought to me because it did not switched-on.
When a situation like this happened, the first thing you suspect will be the ATX Power Supply (SMPS). Then the lateral cover of the chassis was taken off and the SMPS was checked by shorting the Power Button connector in the System Power Header of the Motherboard (MB). It really worked fine (the SMPS turned-on) when it was shorted with a screwdriver.
So the other step was to check up the continuity of the Power Switch in the front of the chassis. When it was checked several times with my Digital Multimeter it was open circuited-no reading from the meter.
Now the culprit was found and a solution was necessary to solve this situation.
The first idea that came into my mind was to swap the connections between the Power Switchbutton and the Reset Switch button. Once it was done the PC was turned on, but this time by pressing the Reset Switch in the front of the chassis, and guesses what? The PC switched on and the Operating System loaded perfectly. Now everything had come back to life.
It was an easy job, but mission accomplished anyway.
This article was prepared for you by Humberto Rodriguez, one of our ‘Master Authors’ from Cuba.
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