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Rubber Pads In A Musical Keyboard Replaced and Maintained. Model: KORG-B2

By on November 18, 2023
keyboard rubber replaced







A guy from Jerusalem area about 30 minutes away brought this musical key board for repair. 

keyboard repair

That is an expensive musical key board and the main problem is some of the keys on it not active (no sound when the key is hit).

bad key in keyboard

If you look closely to the keys marked with green stickers; these are the keys that not active and from checking on line

about this problem it has to do with cleaning unless the key rubber pads are worn out and need replacement.

replacement  keyboard pad

The keys are divided into sections. On every section there are two screws holding it down to the base. Took these screws out; there are two plastic clips on the back and once they are unclipped, the keys will come out nicely.

keyboard pad replacement

So the keys were out and the rubber key pads are exposed. As seen in the photo, it was really dusty. I cleaned all the pads and the boards but sad to say the keyboard was not repaired. I checked almost everywhere about these pads; they are hard to be found and if they are found, they are expensive to buy. I called the customer about the situation so he came and got his unfixable keyboard back.

Later that night I was checking online and surprisingly, I found the same exact pads on Ali Express for a cheap price. I called the customer and told him what I found. I sent him the link and he ordered them online.

how to repair keyboard

About two weeks later the customer showed up to my shop with these new rubber pads and the keyboard. I replaced all the pads; when I was done the sound was restored in all keys and the customer was jumping with joy to the sound of the key board that was playing music in my shop.

The customer paid me very generously and thanked me for not giving up on this repair. The customer’s son was joyful and his smile was wide on his face. I was pleased with the outcome and happy it worked out just fine.

Mission Accomplished.

waleed Rishmawi

This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.

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Note: You can check his previous article on A Dead Power Supply Repaired And Maintained




  1. Robert R Spoon

    November 18, 2023 at 9:12 am

    Waleed I have done quite a few of these, one recent one was a Korg Krome 88, those rubber contact assy's last qite a long time but eventually it's best to do what you have done replace them, good job.

    • Waleed Rishmawi

      November 18, 2023 at 3:16 pm

      Robert: yes think so too because cleaning is not effective as replacing all the pads. thanks for your comments and have a blessed day

  2. Parasuraman S

    November 18, 2023 at 11:16 am

    The rubber pads wear out due to undesired pressure given while playing. Experts won't press the keys very hard, but only just touch and go or hold it with ease. These rubber pads are very difficult to get locally, as the suppliers make them for OEM uses. Many thanks for sharing this wonderful service which brought you double satisfaction, rather treble smiles!

    • Gustavo Contreras

      November 19, 2023 at 8:00 am

      Nice repair, thanks for sharing!


    • Waleed Rishmawi

      November 20, 2023 at 3:25 pm

      Parasuraman: I had a hard time finding them but was so lucking finding them online otherwise the repair has not been a success. thanks for your comments and have a blessed day.

  3. Tito Kanshulu

    November 18, 2023 at 1:38 pm

    Nice repair Waleed. Keep up with the determination to do it

    • Waleed Rishmawi

      November 20, 2023 at 3:26 pm

      Tito: thanks man. thanks for the encouragement. have a blessed day

  4. Albert van Bemmelen

    November 18, 2023 at 3:37 pm

    Often Aliexpress provides the things we can't find anywhere else cheaper. Sadly too often some shipments never arrive after over 2 months of waiting leading to a full refund and still no clue why the order never arrived!

    • Waleed Rishmawi

      November 20, 2023 at 3:30 pm

      Albert: I never had an issue with a shippment taking a long time to arrive or never arrives for some reason. I deal with certain cellers and so far I am happy with the outcome.
      I have another keyboard in the shop and even ali express does not have what I want so I am stuck on this one. The customer is still hopping and I am still looking. have a blessed day

  5. Imoudu.O

    November 18, 2023 at 9:58 pm

    At last a lost hope was brighten by not giving up.Thanks for sharing.

    • Waleed Rishmawi

      November 20, 2023 at 3:32 pm

      Imoudu: yes, never give up and keep trying. I have another keyboard in the shop and so far I have not find the rubber pads for it yet but I am still trying and the customer is still hopping. have a blessed day

  6. Yogesh Panchal

    November 20, 2023 at 11:10 pm

    Good Job! Waleed

  7. Waleed Rishmawi

    November 23, 2023 at 2:40 pm

    Yogesh: thanks man. have a blessed day

  8. sam

    November 2, 2024 at 11:32 pm

    How on earth did you get the frame of it ?


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