Samsung Smart TV HDTV 32 Inches’ Model UA32N5300AK Came In With No Display, Power Led “RED” Now Repaired
This television belongs to a friend and a colleague where I used to work. I received his phone call wanting his television checked by a technician and off I went to collect the television from his house which is around 20 kilometers from my workshop.
Since it was using external power adapter, upon opening the only modules visible was the main board and speakers as you can see above and of course the t-con.
To troubleshoot the problem, I just found myself checking the t-con and was interested with the 12 volts’ dc which feeds the t-con and I got the 12 volts and stable.
Usually the best place to test for this 12 volts is the at the fuse which monitor the safety of the t-con and if something goes wrong on the t-con the fuse usually opens.
Looking for this fuse, I did not get it and felt like the fuse has teared off maybe due to poor soldering at the factory level.
I could not understand how Samsung could have done a poor job like this but decided to just solder a very small jumper wire and see what happens and this I did and with my fingers closed I applied the power and to my surprise I noted the television was up and asking for the antenna “no signal” and I connected the antenna and this is what I got.
Note: In electronics repair sometimes it is important to have open mind since in some cases the problem is not always caused by faulty components as you have seen even broken track or component fallen from the circuit due to poor soldering is possible.
That is why I still consider voltage testing as one of the best way of tracking the problem down since voltage testing will take you to the actual culprit or circuit easily.
If you are in doubt of expected voltages, you can use service manual for the same equipment.
You can easily get a service manual of any equipment by just doing a google search like” Samsung TV model UA32N5300AK service manual pdf” then search just as an example of the above television model.
This article is a pulled from my latest best seller ebook on LCD/LED TELEVISION REPAIR CASE HISTORY VOL.1 sold here.
Besides the real repair case histories, I have also covered a whole topic on how to change led television backlight strip or individual led like a professional without breaking the screen especially for beginners in LCD-LED television repair techs.
Thank you friends
Stay safe
Humphrey Kimathi is from Nairobi Kenya and the author of:
1) Lcd-Led television repair guide
3) CRT Television repair course and
4) Basic Electronics course.
He is also a blogger at
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Parasuraman S
May 15, 2020 at 7:50 pm
Excellent and quick professional solution! Many thanks for sharing! All the very best to you, family and friends!
Albert van Bemmelen
May 15, 2020 at 8:21 pm
Strange that the smd fuse was gone at the same moment the TV stopped playing (lol).
However searching for certain 40 inch and higher Samsung TV types gave zilch info. And those same Samsung TV's where also mentioned on Forums to be bad unfixable plagued TV's. And one of those TV's was my friend's who had it fixed for the same problem twice, after it broke down on the same error a third time. (backlight and LCD screen problems). No service manual or decent info was found and he chose to dismantle the TV for scrap parts.
May 16, 2020 at 6:04 pm
Well done Humphrey,
It's amazing that things could be done so badly at the factory level. Well done for spotting the missing component.
May 18, 2020 at 9:27 am
Well done Humphrey,thanks for sharing it.
August 8, 2022 at 12:44 pm
Well done bro, got mine may be with a different problem.
Mine recently decided to go off on its own. To my surprise, the sound is perfectly functional bt no display at all. Took it to some local technician and he couldn't find a replacement for the t-con board. How can u assist mate?