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New Ebook- Sanyo TV Case History
By Jestine Yong on January 30, 2015

Mr Damon Morrow from USA has done it again by launching his latest ebook on Sanyo TV Case History. This is the sixth E-book written by him. If you are repairing the LCD/LED/Plasma TVs then check this guide out by clicking HERE or the Ebook cover below for more information.

Robert Calk
January 30, 2015 at 6:21 pm
Thanks Damon, I'm sure it is a great book. I was hoping the model# of my TV was in the list.
Amir Mukhtar
February 9, 2015 at 2:40 pm
Thanks you Mr. Damon Morrow to Sanyo Ebook for Learners Training and Solutions.
However, I have a Question if you dont mind. Most of the repairers live in Less privileged countries like me, where Inflation wont allowed to buy things easily . It is Therefore, please Makes possible to Show Training articles Easily and Free for those peoples Who deserves for it. Please consider.
Thanks you
Amir Mukhtar AShrafi