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Small Speaker Horn Repair

By on October 16, 2015
horn repair









horn repairing

The complaint of this small speaker horn was no sound and it was repaired by someone before.

This is a pretty straight forward repair. Just remove the screws and check on the diaphragm with your multi-meter set to Ohm range.




Remove the 3 screws and you can easily take out the diaphragm cover. The first thing I saw after opening it up was the wire that is attach to the diaphragm was damaged by the previous repairer. I wonder why he did not proceed to replace the diaphragm.

speaker diaphragm repair

So I bought a new diaphragm and check on the Ohm reading first before fixing it. I’ve got 5.8 Ohm which mean it is good. A bad one will have zero Ohm.

speaker diaphragm repairing

diaphram speaker repair


Before the final installation I had to test the horn first with a 1.5 volt battery. It should make some sound. If no sound means there is still problem. I’m glad to hear some sound and I consider it fixed!

testing speaker

repair speaker

By the way, you can check out the video below for more information about horn diaphragm replacement:









This article was prepared for you by Suranga Bandara who owns an Electronics shop in Anuradapura, Sri Lanka.

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Note: You may check out his previous repair article in the below link:



  1. Dan

    October 16, 2015 at 11:08 am

    As one who has repaired and re-coned 100s of speakers, there are a few details missing from this article that are important.

    1) When testing a speaker with a battery, it is important to only have it connected for a very brief moment. Otherwise you risk burning the coil.

    2)The Ohm readings for coils will be dependent upon the impedance of the speaker. For example, a 4-Ohm speaker will measure 3 or less, n 8-ohm speaker will measure 5.8 as shown here. Not all coils will measure 5.8. You must take into account the impedance.


  2. Yogesh Panchal

    October 16, 2015 at 2:37 pm

    Suranga, Congratulations! for fix.

  3. Chris

    October 16, 2015 at 4:14 pm

    Congratulation and another equipment was saved from junk.

  4. Albert van Bemmelen

    October 16, 2015 at 4:58 pm

    I find it still quite unique the way you know how to fix bad damaged speakers or in this case a speakerhorn Mr. Suranga. But I myself do not use any battery.
    My friend and I both bought the MW 1008 meter Kit. It is an excellent tester to measure LCR components and so also for measuring Speaker impedances.

    The MW 1008 tester gives very exact the |Z| value, the imaginary value, and the R part. All according to the triangle of Pythagoras. Were Z = the square root of (R^2 + X^2). And from calculation we know that when X is very small (is Impedance of our Speaker) also angle Phi will be very small too! And vector X and vector R are at an angle of 90 degrees shifted to each other.
    And that results in a Z value being just a little bigger than its R value when X and angle Phi are very small.

    The value of R that the MW 1008 accordingly displays is always about the value that is printed on any Loudspeaker tested.
    And you just can't measure this with any ordinary Universal Digital Meter.

    • Albert van Bemmelen

      October 17, 2015 at 4:56 pm

      I hope that the Dislike Button pressing person knows why he is pressing it. Because he better have a very good reason. Absolutely any idiot can press that button without giving any good reason afterwards!


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