Sometimes No Direct Answer
Once in a while i will get email like this "Jestine could you tell me what are the bad components in my TV. It was hit by lightning"? For your information, electronics problems are dynamic and not static thus in many cases we as repairer just could not really give a direct answer like above. Usually i will explain to them that one has to check from the fuse area down to the secondary side of power supply and also it depends on how severe the lightning was. If the lightning is too great most probably lots of components will get burn and it may take lots of time to repair it. If the lightning was not that strong, it would only cause the fuse to blow only. Usually by replacing the fuse will solve the no power problem. It other words, one has to check first before concluding if the set can be repaired or not or if it easy to solve or may take longer time.
No matter what electronic equipment you are repairing, one has to have their own step by step procedure to tackle the fault. Each repairer is unique and some will solve a problem very fast and to some it will take a longer time. To those who take a longer time to solve a particular problem , please do not be discouraged because as you in the progress in solving the problem the more you will learn and when the next equipment arrives you will take lesser time to repair it. That is how a beginner could turn into pro.

Tam K. H.
August 20, 2011 at 1:05 am
In most cases that I'd encounter on lightning striked sets; mostly tuner section w/or w/o problems to sys. /eeprom ic & w/or w/o power section problems. One more important message : - THANK YOU ; for your magnanimous service to the electronics repair trade people & the general public.
August 20, 2011 at 1:13 am
HI Tam,
You are welcome and thanks for the comment. Even my 29" Panasonic CRT TV tuner and the circuit track all blown up by the lightning. I was not in the house but my mother in law told me that she could felt that the lightning sound was just above the house. Not only that, my computer network card was hit too. My neighbour TV, ASTRO and cordless phone was badly hit too.
lin beng hwa
August 20, 2011 at 2:56 am
Hi Jestine,
Lighting strikes on computer power supply at time it doesn't damaged much, while some will also damaged the motherboard, while another type is the power switch 110V usually damage by user. At times it will take our time, at time we change a new one. As we have repair multiple power supplies use in recon PC and that kind of units really hard to change a new one ( No new Stocks ) checking it consumes a lot of our time so at times we just reject the repairing.
August 20, 2011 at 8:03 am
HI Lim,
Yes sometimes it will consume lots of time.
August 24, 2011 at 5:06 am
I have a problem with my satelite receiver ECHOSTAR 3000 ( analogic & numeric receiver )so when you plug it the digital pannel shows a moving lights and the receiver can't be open. Inspecting the power supply I found broken transient voltage supressor marked P6KE6.8
Surching for that component that was missed on the market; one of my friends toled me that i can replace this part with zener diode of 6.8 volts. According to you can you tell me please can i do this replacement and thank you for the help.
August 24, 2011 at 7:22 am
HI Nejib,
I suggest that you use back the original part number and you can buy from the link below: