Sound Problem In Meg.XL Tower Active Speaker Repair

Customer sent to me this Meg.XL Tower active speaker to repair with the complaint of the sound coming but suddenly cut off. It is hard to explain the sound problem to you through article writing. Just take it like a distorted sound.
The first thing I did was to plug in my USB drive and listen to some songs and see if there is problem with the sound or not.
Once the song started playing, I could hear the sound problem. It comes and suddenly went off and comes back again. Indeed this active speaker have sound problem.
I took the cover off and began to check on the main amplifier kit. The white arrow is pointing to the sound IC. From visual inspection there was nothing wrong with the components.
The next test was to pull out one of the speakers wires and retest it. Surprisingly when the right speaker wires were removed, the sounds seem to be working fine again.
I suspected that the speaker has mild short circuit that had caused the sound to come and then went off.
True enough, when the speakers were exposed, I found one of them was dented and may have intermittent short circuit-see the photo below:
The speaker specification is 6 Ohm and 10 watt and can be easily found from the local electronics store.
Once the new speaker is fixed the sound came back. Assuming if the speakers were good, I would have to replace the sound IC and retested it. This repair work has put some profits into my pocket. See you again in the next repair article.
This article was prepared for you by Suranga Bandara who owns an Electronics repair shop in Anuradapura, Sri Lanka.
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October 27, 2017 at 7:23 pm
Very useful tips!
abigail karonga
October 27, 2017 at 7:48 pm
Awesome Mr Suranga Bandara it appears as if its a simple repair but have learnt a lot from this article and I always take notes since I am still a newbie here I do appreciate you time you take to do this write up thanks again to Mr Jestine
R Murali
October 27, 2017 at 10:05 pm
Thank you for sharing your valued experience.
Yogesh Panchal
October 27, 2017 at 10:25 pm
Congratulations! for quick fix Suranga.
October 28, 2017 at 8:15 am
Thanks good job Suranga! I wonder if it is possible to undent an bad speaker but probably the coil was already damaged beyond repair and it would make no difference.
Robert Calk
October 28, 2017 at 12:26 pm
Good job, Suranga.
Tito Kanshulu
November 5, 2017 at 4:43 am
Good job Suranga, What a tactical shoot
May 14, 2021 at 2:38 pm
How can i use this sound bar without remote.. i have missed the remote