The Power Of Believing!
Do you still remember not long ago i bought a book by M.R.KOPMEYER and the title “How To Get Whatever You Want”? One of the topic was “The Power Of Believing”. Yes that’s right, if you believe that you can do it then put action into it and you will see the result. By just believing and doing nothing will not yield any outcome! Let’s take this for example, if you believe that one day you shall become a Professional electronic repairer then start (action) doing the things that have related to electronics repair such as reading more electronic repair books or magazines, actively visiting repair forum, analyzing electronic schematic diagrams, doing your own research and development and etc.
It is not easy to achieved whatever you want if you never go down to the field! YOU MUST HAVE ACTION! Believing is just the first part and you need the second part (action) to complete your goal. It needs sacrificial of your time, energy and money. It is not necessary that whatever you believe must be related to electronic repair-the above was just an example. Apply it to whatever things in your mind now and begin to explore all the possibilities! Hope you will be successful one day-very soon!
Yesterday at night before i went to sleep , i looked at my book rack to simply search for a book to read (there were many titles) and i found Andrew Matthew’s book “Being Happy”. In fact I have read it many years back and have decided to read it again. Wow! it was so refreshing after reading for the first few chapters and the book have many funny cartoons that were used to express the points for easy understanding to the readers. It may takes me few more night before i can completely finished the book. By the way wishing you a “Happy Mother’s Day”!