Xbox Drive Rejecting CD’s Repaired. Model: Xbox One S

A customer came into my shop and brought with him an Xbox one S. He explained the fault with this device as it was not taking any CD’s in because one of his kids inserted something in there. The customer wanted me to remove that thing so the device will accept CD’s once again.
That is a very easy task to do but there are a lot of things to keep in mind.
I have to keep track of the screws taken out for there are different in sizes and of course take care of the hard drive and the other boards in this device.
First the long screws were taken out of the device and then the small ones. In the process of taking this device apart, I have noticed a lot of dust and dirt inside of it. So this was a double job to be done, taking the part jammed in there and do some cleaning as we go along.
The first part that I encountered that was dirty and has to be cleaned was the fan.
This is the ventilation side of the power supply. If this was not cleaned, the power supply eventually will come into shut down due to heat.
This board was found on the side of the device and in order for the top cover to come off, this board has to come off as well.
This is the Wi-Fi Antenna board and it has to come off as well.
Once these two boards were off, I was able to take the top metal piece off and get to the CD driver of the device.
If you look to the arrows you will find a piece of cart board inserted in the place of the CD. That explained why the machine was not pulling the CD in.
The only way to take out that jammed card piece out was rip it apart to pieces allowing me to take it out piece by piece. After I made sure the entire jammed card piece was out, I assembled everything back together and tested it out, it worked like a charm.
Mission Accomplished.
This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.
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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:

Parasuraman S
March 17, 2020 at 9:58 pm
This is a very tough task, though you handled it briskly because of your expertise. I am sure the customer must be happy, though I am not sure of the kid, who wanted this piece to be tucked in safe! (LOL)
Waleed Rishmawi
March 18, 2020 at 3:55 pm
Parasuraman: yes, the customer was very happy especially now a days with the corona virus spreading and everybody is home doing nothing but eating and playing games. the kid was just being a kid and put the paper in to give me work to do. lol. have a blessed safe day.
Albert van Bemmelen
March 18, 2020 at 12:16 am
Interesting to see a Xbox One fixed. But it probably normally plays dvd and bluray discs instead of the mentioned cd's.
And the Microsoft Xbox 360 game console normally plays DL-DVD's. Which probably is also the reason why DL-DVD-RW (re-recordable) discs never where made or sold worldwide in existance to prevent easily copying of games!
Waleed Rishmawi
March 18, 2020 at 4:06 pm
Albert: when I mentioned the CD's I meant game cd. a lot of hacking going on on these machine to play copies or original games. in my home town they are charging about 100 us dollars to hack it and a lot of people are willing to offer this amount to play copies of game. have a blessed safe day
April 11, 2020 at 6:16 pm
the problem is with opening and putting it back, hard task you know, thanks otherwise
April 4, 2022 at 4:27 am
I had yet another issue! The failure of the Xbox 360's optical drive is a pretty typical issue.