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Review Of Jingyan M6013 AutoRanging Capacitor Tester

By on August 13, 2012

I just got this meter few days ago. The reason I bought this meter is because it has the auto ranging mode which can save time and no calculation involve. For a common capacitor tester, it usually has 9 ranges and you need to select the right range to test on the capacitors.

jingyan m6013 digital capacitance meter

Some beginners may have problem in calculating the pico farad, nano  farad and micro farad value. With this meter you will instantly know the capacitor value without the hassle to select the right range to test. Take a look at all the photos below:

jingyan m6013 digital capacitance meter

jingyan m6013 autoranging digital capacitance meter

jingyan m6013 autoranging digital capacitance meter

jingyan m6013 autoranging digital capacitance meter


review jingyan m6013 autoranging digital capacitance meter

review jingyan m6013 autoranging digital capacitance meter

review jingyan m6013 autoranging digital capacitance meter circuit board

review jingyan m6013 autoranging digital capacitance meter circuit board


Advantages of the Jingyan M6013 Autoranging Capacitor Tester:

1)    Compact/Light/ Handy design

2)    Cheap price

3)    Fast response time- The moment you clip on the capacitor, the value immediately pop up. In some capacitor testers, you need to wait for it to calibrate first before it gives you the final value.

4)    Autoranging- You doesn’t need to select the right range for the right capacitor value. Just clip on the capacitor and read the value from the LCD screen. No calibration needed even when you are measuring the capacitor in picofarad range.

5)    Wide measurement range- it can test from 0.01pf up to 47000uf

6)    You can turn off/on the LCD screen backlight.


Disadvantages of the meter:


1)    Small LCD screen as compare to other capacitor testers

2)    Does not have auto shutdown. This means you need to replace the battery if you did not turn off the meter (if you left it “On” for sometime)

review jingyan m6013 autoranging digital capacitance meter circuit board

Note: This meter is a digital capacitance meter and it is use to test on the capacitance value of capacitors. It can’t be used to check on the ESR of a capacitor. You need an ESR meter to check on the ESR value of capacitors.

Disadvantages of the Packaging

1)    The meter is without a box

2)    The manual is in one piece of A4 size paper

3)    It took about 27 days to reach my country Malaysia from Hong Kong using the free delivery service. 

4)    Since the owner provides free shipping- this meter ended up outside my office letter box and anyone can just take it away as compare to a registered mail. For your information, I saw the package in my letter box when I was going for lunch.


Note: I suggest that you email the owner if you want the meter to reach your place fast and secure. Of course you have to pay for the additional shipping charge. I bought from this Ebay seller

Special notice: I do not endorse that you should use this meter nor I’m affiliated with the owner. This is just a review based on my own opinion. Since I just got this meter, thus I’m not sure how reliable this meter will be in the long run. If you think that you want to buy this tester, then you have to take your own responsibility.

Question- Why do we still need a digital capacitance meter when the ESR meter is much more accurate in testing an electrolytic capacitor?

Answer- In some rare cases, an electrolytic capacitor can have a good ESR value but the capacitance value can be out. This means when you do your troubleshooting work and did not find any bad e-caps with high ESR, you can start to use the digital capacitance meter to check on the capacitance value.

This meter also can be used to check on low value non-polarity capacitors in which the ESR meter can’t test it. 

If you have any question about this post please feel free to comment-thanks.

Jestine Yong



  1. Romeo

    August 17, 2012 at 9:48 am

    Hi justine
    Thanks for your intelligent advice,I may create more trouble if I do what I know.I'm asking this question because what I know is since the main filter cap is in the hot area and so with the HOT is also in the hot area and you were agree with me in my earlier question so I conclude then that when I do voltage test in the HOT section I could use the hot ground in the primary side which is the Negative pin of the Filter e-CAP. Sorry for my wrong conclusion at least now I'm cleared with this predicament through your professional advice.Any way thanks again and continue your good work as more blessings abound on such people like you Mr. Yong.
    Regards to your family,

    • Jestine Yong

      August 18, 2012 at 12:35 am

      Hi Romeo,

      The horizontal output transistor (HOT) is in secondary side thus it is not in hot area. hot area is in primary side. Since the main filter cap is in hot area thus your meter ground has to be connected in the hot area negative side.


  2. Winston Johnson

    August 18, 2012 at 9:53 pm

    Mr. Jestine Yong,
    I would like to apologize for my biting remarks in my email. I was having a very, very bad afternoon. I have been disabled for over 10 years and in an incredible amount of pain, not an excuse just an explanation. I assure you that was not a typical response for me when addressing oversights from others.  I am appreciative of your efforts and have received the Ring meter assembled and in working order. Furthermore, I would like to commend you and your writings. I have enjoyed refreshing and increasing my knowledge through your offerings. Now to share in return; only because I did not see a response to one of your posts. Concerning the fuel capacitance-tank circuit. The tank unit is one arm of a capacitance bridge circuit. The voltage signal resulting from the unbalanced bridge is amplified by a phase sensitive amplifier in the power unit and energizes one winding of a two phase induction motor in the indicator. The induction motor drives a rebalancing potentiometer in the direction to balance the bridge and simultaneously the indicator showing the remaining fuel. Simply, in the tank is a probe with a compensator, the anode and cathode plates uses the fuel (dialectric constant 2.07) v. air (dialectric constant 1); as the fuel level lowers the capacitance value lowers, driving the motor/indicator. Therefore, the probe in the tank and a reference capacitor are wired in series across a transformer secondary winding, 115 v. 400 hz., and if you connect a voltmeter from the center tap of the transformer and in between the two capacitors and the fuel level increases from a balanced situation (0 volt drop)  the current and the capacitance increase in the tank side of the bridge circuit causing  a voltage in phase with the voltage applied to the transformer. Of course the opposite is true; if the fuel level decreases current flow will be less and out of phase. However, in an aircraft system, an actual capacitor type fuel guage has a two stage amplifier connected in place of the voltmeter and amplifies the signal fron the unbalanced bridge circuit. The amplified output feeds a winding in the two phase indicator motor while the other winding (line phase winding) is fed from the same voltage applied to the transformer from the bridge circuit and has a 90 degree phase shift by a series capacitor causing the motor to be phase sensitive and able to move in either direction.
    So now you know. Also, be aware that these systems while simpified a bit in my explanation, usually include empty and full calibrating potentiometers, a balancing potentiometer, and a test switch in the self balancing bridge circuit.  I know, too much information. Just my way of apologizing. Have a great day! Thank You.

    • Jestine Yong

      August 18, 2012 at 10:34 pm

      HI Winston,

      Thanks for the sharing and good to know that you have got the meter. Actually is my fault for sending the wrong meter. In my busy schedule, sometimes a "tiger also can fall asleep". By the way you can refer to this link below for more information about Blue Ring Tester:

      Have a great day!


  3. yaaku

    August 23, 2012 at 1:47 am

    hello mr.yong thanks for great job u do for us, u've helped me so much in my repair .but  which book do u recomend for me concerning laptop repair, i liked that meter but do they use western union .
    yours yaaku
    from Uganda

    • Jestine Yong

      August 23, 2012 at 4:46 am

      Hi Yaaku,

      If you are a beginner you can click on the top banner of this blog to learn about laptop repair. As for the meter you need to check with the owner whether they will accept western union or not.


  4. Mike

    August 25, 2012 at 10:13 am

    Hi Jestine
    I happened to test a non-discharged capacitor, and the meter is not working as it should. Display is ok, but it does not show the value more. which component can be broken '. my measurement equipment is capcitor tests M6013

    • Jestine Yong

      August 25, 2012 at 8:47 pm

      Hi Mike,

      You may need to open up and see if there is any small fuse or protection resistor that is open circuit. Keep me update on this.


  5. edmund

    August 25, 2012 at 11:34 am

    I can't find on how to order your auto ranging capacitor tester. Pls send me how i can order it

    • Jestine Yong

      August 25, 2012 at 8:35 pm

      Hi EDMUND,

      It was ordered from the Ebay link in the blog post. Look for the "this Ebay seller". It is a live link.


  6. Tjoeng Beng Tji

    August 27, 2012 at 7:56 am

    Mr.Jestine Yong
    I have  allready had mannual capasitance meter ,but for the repair, I think it is better using the ESR meter ,because the ESR meter can test onboard, what about your opinion Mr.Jestine Yong.

    • Jestine Yong

      August 27, 2012 at 10:59 pm

      Hi Tjoeng,

      Yes it is recommended to use ESR meter but ESR meter can't be used to test on small value capacitor.


  7. Ray Babasa

    August 28, 2012 at 6:57 am

    Sir who is the manufacturer of the Jingyan M6013 Autoranging capacitor tester?

    • Jestine Yong

      August 28, 2012 at 9:53 pm

      Hi Ray,

      There is no info on this tester. It came without a box and with a piece of A4 size manual.


  8. Roderick Serrano

    September 3, 2012 at 2:08 pm

    Hello jestine, what is the best brand for analog multi meter?

    • Jestine Yong

      September 3, 2012 at 8:14 pm

      Hi Roderick,

      I have not tested all type of analogue meter in the market thus I can't give to you a specific model. But my Sunwa 360TRe is quite good. If you can find a branded analogue meter that have X10 Ohm rage then go for it.


    • Robert

      September 27, 2013 at 6:14 am

      I bought a Tenma 72-8170 from E-bay and I love it, it was immediately my favorite!! It has a large display and a button you push to zero the Ohms so you don't have to short the leads together every time you change ranges. I think it was only $30 not counting shipping. I bought it a month ago and it works great!! The Transistor tester will only tell you if a Transistor is NPN/PNP though. And it doesn't have DC Null. It has a continuity buzzer.

      • Jestine Yong

        September 27, 2013 at 10:23 am

        Hi Robert,

        I have just seen the photo and you are right it has a large display. Thanks for sharing.


  9. andra

    September 7, 2012 at 3:48 am

    how can i get this jingyan m6013 capasitor tester in my place at srawak,,any banch sale that product?/

    • Jestine Yong

      September 7, 2012 at 9:03 pm

      Hi Andra,

      You need to visit to buy it. They have no sales branch in Sarawak.


  10. Mike

    September 11, 2012 at 4:54 pm

    Hi Jestine.
    I've checked my broken M6013. miss discharge capacitors before testing (250V) has tested all resistance,
    and they are ok, the large capacitor is intact.ic U1 LM78L05A  and U2 ic Q3RP (N01A)type LM317) is ok, LED is OK.
    Has not been able to test the value of the small capacitors because I do not know the value of them, but they
    do not look burnt out .Q1 Q2 and Q3 SOT 23 is marked (01AH) I have not been able to test them, because
    I do not know nothing about them, left pin down is 5 volts, how do you find out if there is a transistor
    or a type of switch APR3001-43A or you can i use any  type of the transistor what kan i test. there is no small protection
    fuse or resistor . it may be Pic16F886 As is broken ?? (timer or reset fault)
    The display works as it should, I can select the range with no problems it works, and it goes to zero the
    meter zero adjustment. Lights is working .if i test a capacitor so  must i first short out  the capacitor and then
    connect it. then displays the correct value in a second, but if I quickly shorting wires after I connected
    the capacitor, it shows the value of a few seconds longer, but if I try the same capacitor again, I have to
    short-circuit it before I try it again if not it  shows no seems to be som problem whith the timer and reset in
    the tester...

    • Jestine Yong

      September 11, 2012 at 10:22 pm

      Hi Mike,

      The fault could be the PIC chip. As for testing the unknown 3 leg device in any circuit board i use my DCA 55 Peak Atlas analyzer to confirm which type of component it belongs to.


  11. Edward nolan

    September 13, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    Hi jestine ,in the picture of the front and back of the circuit board m6013 meter , what is the reverse side of the circuit board belong to.
    the second board is surley not belangs to the first one.

    • Jestine Yong

      September 14, 2012 at 9:23 pm

      Hi Edward,

      That is the LCD display panel.


  12. Rohmell Brills

    September 18, 2012 at 7:29 pm

    If anyone in the US is interested in this meter, here it is, good price:
    I have bought from this vendor before, relaible and fast shipping.

  13. RJ

    January 7, 2013 at 7:04 am

    I find this tester to read strange under 50uf. Usually get negative numbers, unless I zero out first. Then it reads .010uf on a 10uf capacitor. In either Auto or 47uf range. Over 100uf the meter reads fine. Am I mis-understanding the reading under 50uf? Having a hard time believing all the new capacitors I just bought (from a local and online) are bad..

    • Jestine Yong

      January 10, 2013 at 6:07 am

      HI RJ,

      In have tested mine and it worked good on different values. If you set wrongly it will show "Overflow". The best is to set to auto mode.


  14. kevin

    January 11, 2013 at 8:03 pm

    Hi! Sir jestine I'm kevin from the phils province of bukinon. Nice capacitance meter and cheap compare to eds 88a. And its easy to Use..correct me if I'm wrong. This meter has a capability to test ESR value.if it does then its good to have it in your work bench.

    • Jestine Yong

      January 12, 2013 at 12:38 am

      Hi Kevin,

      This test is used to test only on the capacitance and not the ESR value. EDS88a is for checking the ESR value and not the capacitance.


  15. Titz

    August 20, 2013 at 3:40 pm

    you're such a nice guy sharing your wonderful skills. thanks and more power

    • Jestine Yong

      August 20, 2013 at 5:12 pm

      HI Titz,

      You are welcome and thanks for visiting my blog.


  16. Jack

    December 15, 2013 at 9:23 am

    Hi. Can you tell me if this meter can test capacitors in circuit?
    Also, it would be nice to have one meter that can check both ESR and Capacitors, in circuit. Do you know of any or have tested any that are a good price? Thanks.

    • Jestine Yong

      December 16, 2013 at 10:20 am

      HI Jack,

      No it can't test capacitor in circuit. In fact there is no capacitor that can test capacitance value in circuit. However, the ESR meter can be used to test ESR value in circuit for electrolytic capacitors.


  17. chrissy

    January 7, 2014 at 6:45 pm

    Thanks very much I love all your work, Professor. Can I use my Digital Meter to check the CAPACITOR VOLTAGE? is not marching does it also proves that the capacitor is BAD?

    • Jestine Yong

      January 7, 2014 at 7:46 pm

      HI Chrissy,

      If the set is On you can measure the voltage across the capacitor using a digital multimeter. By the way I'm not a professor just a normal repairer like you.

  18. Robert

    January 8, 2014 at 3:01 am

    I bought the newer version of the M6013V2 last month and I love it. It works great even on small caps. The newer meter also has a manual button to select between 3 particular ranges. It also uses 2 AA batteries or use micro usb for external power.

    • Jestine Yong

      January 8, 2014 at 11:08 am

      Hi Robert,

      Good to know that.


  19. Julio Mamani

    May 27, 2014 at 8:24 am

    Dear Jestine Yong, I possess M6013 Autoranging Capacitor Tester, what happens is this not turn on the LED screen, but the measurements it does very well, which could be failing? Thanks a lot before hand. regards

    • Jestine Yong

      May 27, 2014 at 10:34 am

      Hi Julio,

      Sorry i don't get your meaning. You mentioned that there was no lcd screen but you still get the measurement. How do you know if there is measurement when you can't see the lcd screen? Could you elaborate?



      • Julio Mamani

        May 27, 2014 at 10:35 pm

        Estimated jestine what happens is that the tester performs well measurements, for example when we put a 16 volt capacitor 4700uf x and gives me the measurement capacitor, but it happens that the LED or display light does not light, and U1 revice and U2, Q1, Q2, Q3 and resistors are in good condition. but I have no Voltage at resistor R11 which powers the LED lighting of the screen, I wondered what might be wrong or am I missing something? regards
        Excuse my bad translations writes a person peru (Latino)

        • Jestine Yong

          May 28, 2014 at 6:24 pm

          Hi Julio,

          Since I have not repair a broken Jingyan m6013 meter before thus I can't give you a direct answer.I suggest that you trace from the red probe connector to see if there is any bad components. By the way how does this meter have problem? The meter itself have problem or went through a high voltage discharge from a big cap?


          • Julio Mamani

            May 28, 2014 at 11:46 pm

            Dear Jestine good morning, and told him that we solve the problem of light the display (backlit) so I stand before turning down the button on range (zero) and I turn there you hold the range button (Zero ) I get a message on screen (CAL MODE) button lost range (zero) button once preciono range (zero) and light or backlight is on or Off.

            • Jestine Yong

              May 30, 2014 at 7:18 am

              Hi Julio,



  20. Anwar Shiekh

    June 27, 2015 at 9:32 pm

    I very much like the Peak atlas ESD+, which also gives the ESR measurement.

  21. Abdur-Rab

    June 20, 2017 at 2:48 pm

    Very Good Day Dear Jestine Yong!!

    Many thanks for all your mails which reach me regularly.

    I was hampered due to my office job / hours to go through all your mails. But occasionally I used to enjoy your mails.

    All stuff is extremely helpful for me and for the beginners these articles / e.books / comments etc. are off-course like a Wealthy Site.

    Anyway, I will keep in touch with you.

    Thanks again for being so nice in all respects.

    Best Regards

    Abdur Rab

    • Jestine Yong

      June 26, 2017 at 10:43 pm

      Hi Abdur,
      You are welcome.


  22. Anwar Y Shiekh

    March 17, 2021 at 1:40 am

    Pity it does no also measure the ESR as some failing capacitors can still have a capacitance in range.

  23. Parasuraman S

    January 30, 2022 at 11:49 am

    Happened to see it only now! Very useful review! Many thanks!

    • Jestine Yong

      January 30, 2022 at 2:40 pm

      Hi Parasuraman,

      You are welcome.



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