A dead HP Pavilion laptop repaired. Model: DV6000

A dead HP laptop was brought by one of my customers. He told me this laptop just wentdead without any notice. While the customer was in my shop, I powered up the laptop and I could see no sign of life on it. The moment I touched the power adapter socket, I could see a blue light coming on. The moment I let go of it, it went dead again. From experience, this is a sign of bad DC power jack. Let the challenge begin.
I took a lot of screws out and finally it was open and I could see the mother board and the entire components.
It was not easy to get this far but with the help of YouTube, I was able to take it apart and it took me only 25 minutes. I head directly to the main dc power board and the moment I look at it, I saw there was a loose dc power pin. When I tried to solder it, it did not work simply because the board holding the pin base was gone. There was no soldering base to solder the pin to. I know it looks brand new but from the bottom, it was completely different.
The main problem with this repair was, this laptop was old and to find a board like that is almost impossible unless I want to order it on line. As we all know, ordering on line takes time and sometimes expensive. So I improvised and came up with an answer to this problem. As you can see in the photo, there are two black and two red wires. I de solder them off board and connected the two red wires to the main pin of the dc power jack and the black ground wire, connected them to any ground in the dc power jack. I powered up the laptop and the laptop came back to life.
Improvising and finding answers to problems is part of our job in the repair business. It was an easy fix but it took time to get it done. The joy in this challenge was, when the customer came to the shop and expressed his satisfaction about the repair that is more than money can buy. See you in the next challenge.
Waleed Rishmawi
This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.
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Ulises Aguilar Pazzani
November 9, 2015 at 11:37 am
great job Sir