A Drifting On A PS4 Slim Controller Repaired

My nephew told me about PS4 slim controller that was drifting. Drifting means the character in the game is moving on its own even if you try to control it still drifting and causing you to do mistakes.
The drifting is taking place in the left side of the controller and usually it could be corrected or repaired either by cleaning the joy stick that is causing the drifting or replace the whole joy stick. In this case, cleaning did not make a different therefore the whole joy needed to be replaced.
It is a very easy process that starts with taking the cover off to get to the main board. The vibrating motors on both side of the controllers need to be de soldered then lift the board off.
If you look to the left side of the screen you would see fresh soldering on board and that is the low melting solder; it was applied to the joint for easier remover of the solder.
With the rework heat station I was able to get the joy stick out in no time thanks to the low melt solder magic.
As seen in the photo, the orange joy stick was added to the board; not soldered on yet.
At this time it was soldered solidly on board; it is time to put everything back together and test the controller.
This is a moment of truth.
Who would be my best candidate to test such a device? Of course, my son the expert and he gave me the thumps up for this repair. It passed with high stars.
One thing left to do is to call my nephew; come and take his controller for some exciting times.
Mission Accomplished.
This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.
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Note: You can check his previous article on Rubber Pads In A Musical Keyboard Replaced and Maintained. Model: KORG-B2

Parasuraman S
November 26, 2023 at 11:26 am
I feel jealous that you get so many chances to do service to your own family; something I really crave! Once I even gathered all my tools and made a trip to Chennai, where most of my relatives are living, (a 12-hour journey by train). I could do a lot of service there sitting in my elder brother's home, who himself was an electronic enthusiast. This was many years back. Anyhow, good fix by a professional approach! Congratulations!
Waleed Rishmawi
November 27, 2023 at 2:42 pm
Parasuraman: sorry to make you feel that way. family time is very precious and if I were you, i would take some time off and spend time with the family even if you have to travel for 12 hours; it is a time well spend my friend. have a blessed day.
Parasuraman S
November 28, 2023 at 5:11 pm
Unfortunately, my wife is suffering from numbness in the right foot and she cannot climb up a train or bus. Moreover, I cannot leave the home unmanned, especially when many unique antique sets are pending for repair. Appointing a watchman is of no use and there is no guarantee. If these are available in the market, one can buy it give it to the customer, in the event of a theft. But these are very old and antique sets some of which are rare collections of the customers. My computer shows that I have around 32 sets pending to be cleared as of today. Anyhow, thanks for your advice!
Albert van Bemmelen
November 26, 2023 at 4:53 pm
I still do most similar repairs without low melting solder simply because I haven't found the right solder that really works! Last time I had used such low melting solder from Aliexpress to desolder and replace my broken HDMi connector it only made it worse!
Luckily I was successfully able to repair the HDMi port and all its 19 copper tracks on my 27 inch Philips monitor afterwards.
Waleed Rishmawi
November 27, 2023 at 2:47 pm
Albert: I do not trust everything that sells on Ali Express. if I want to buy something I would first check the comments what other say about that stuff then I will make a decision based on that. I had a low melting stuff that I got from friend of mine in USA and so far, it is working a like a charm. I am glad you were able to fix that HDMI port for there are very hard and so tiny to do but it worth the while. when you get used to doing it all the time it becomes so easy and you will be amazed how good the outcome is. have a blessed day
Yogesh Panchal
November 28, 2023 at 3:54 pm
Good Job! Waleed
using proper Material is must, Because critical part for removing are connectors & sockets traces are get easily peel off from PCB on over heat.using good quality flux is make work easy without damaging trace.
Waleed Rishmawi
November 29, 2023 at 2:34 pm
Yogesh: thanks man. indeed and now I am introducing the Hakko solder sucker to ease my de soldering in my shop. faster and clean job. have a blessed day