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A dead audio box repaired. Model: Presonus

By on April 28, 2014








A customer who lives nearby brought me a dead audio box. This audio box is a brand new one and for some reason it did not work. It gets its power from an USB port. When I tried to power it up through a USB port, I could not find that port. It was missing.

audio box repair

This is the information label that I found glued to the back of the machine.

audio box repairs

This is the front panel of the audio box as you can see in the photo above.

There were about six screws holding the main box. There were two screws on the top, two on the bottom and two on the back. Once I took these screws off, I was able to see inside this audiobox.


Here is a different view of the audio box and as you can see, it is a new machine which made me wonder why the USB port was missing.


As you can see in this photo, the USB port is missing and look what I found when I took this board out.

audio boxrepair

This is the actual USB port and it was loose inside the audio box.

audio box repairing

This is another view of the loose USB port that was supposed to be soldered inside the audiobox.

In my mind I thought, that should be an easy job to find a new USB port and just soldered it back on board. Thinking and reality were so different in this case. I have looked for a new USB port all over the place in my home town and I could not find any. It is a shame to see such things happening here. It only needs a USB port and the machine should be working again. I could not find a new part so I started looking for used part. I called all computer guys in the area and I could not find even used one. I went through my junk in my workshop and guess what I have found. It was an old router that used this kind of connection. I was really happy to see that.

De soldered it off the old board and soldered on the audio box board. Here is the result.

audio box repairings

I put the machine back together and connected it to my laptop and look what happened.


Mission Accomplished.





This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.

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  1. Gurpreet

    August 26, 2015 at 1:36 pm


    Nice job. Sometimes you know about the part but when you look for its substitute it is hard to find. But thanks for sharing this article.

  2. Roshan

    October 5, 2015 at 1:41 pm

    Hi, good job. These kind of USB ports are usually used in printers.

  3. martin

    January 1, 2018 at 10:49 pm

    ahh.. yes
    When retarded people either don't do the job properly or the pick and place machine stuffs up LOL

    i can understand the USB Type B port not being soldered correctly there.

    but that sticker ?? Hmmm
    so.. the sticker was stuck over the top of the where the USB Jack was supposed to be.. is that correct

    Very interesting, considering that this is literally the only way to power the device.
    and clearly the sticker has been placed there intentionally.

    was this perhaps a test model that the customer obtained ?

    it suprises me that you could not easily find a USB Type B Port.
    Couldn't you just go to your local electronics supplier and buy one for a few dollars
    or pretty much any device, Printer, Fax, Audio Equipment, Keyboard, MIDI, Modems, Routers, Switches, and the lost goes on..... Pretty much any of these will have this Port on the PCB
    then you have DVD players sometimes, Satellite Set Top Boxes
    it just goes on and on and on and on and on.... and on

    i'm suprised you had trouble finding it

    but hey.. in the end
    it was a success. so cool.
    good job

  4. Todd Schultz

    March 3, 2021 at 10:13 am

    Same component fell with cord in that usb port. Port broke. Got a replacement and soldered it on. Got the power light to work to. Computer won't recognize it though.
    Any clues?

    • Jay

      February 4, 2025 at 11:32 am

      Has anyone ever resolved? I’m having the same issue 4 years later


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