A calling device not recognizing modem repaired. Model: Vonage VDV21.VD

My wife brought me this calling device that needed some repair. This device belongs to her grandmother. The device was not recognizing the modem once it was connected to the internet. It has to be connected to the internet to make international calls.
It is a China made device but with Vonage company specifications.
Once it was connected to the internet, I got a message saying there is no modem connected. Let us find out why.
The first logical thing to do is to see if there is internet in the house. I logged to the internet with my iphone and sure enough there was internet in the house.
The second logical thing to do is to check the cable that goes from the calling device to the modem. It checked fine. I tried to reset the calling device but I keep getting the same message that there is no modem connected.
After doing all this checking, it was time to open the calling device and see what is wrong with it.
Few screws off and I was able to see what inside this calling device.
As you can see in the phone marked with arrows, this is the main connection that connects to the modem. I checked it out with a magnifier and I could see there were some loose connections there. I re soldered all these pins and now it looks way much better than before.
I checked the entire soldering pins on board and made sure all were in good working conditions.
This is the main board. This is the socket that connected to the modem. After I re soldered the pins of this socket, I cleaned the pins inside of it and it was found to be very dirty. It was shiny again and now I was ready to test it again.
The machine is working again. As you can see in this photo, the sign of the phone is an indicator of a working device. I had to reset the time and date to get accurate information. I plugged thephone in and I was able to do international phone calls. Mission accomplished.
This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.
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